22 Taiwanese American Organizations Urge President Bush To Lift Taiwan Arms Freeze

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 28, 2008
Contact: (202) 547-3686

22 Taiwanese American Organizations Urge President Bush To Lift Taiwan Arms Freeze

In letter to President George Bush dated July 28, 2008, the leaders of 22 Taiwanese Americans urge President Bush, on the eve of his departure to Beijing where Bush will attend the Olympic Games, to reaffirm U.S. commitment to Taiwan and -specifically- to lift the Taiwan Arms Freeze.

The organizations write: “We appeal to you to reaffirm America’s support for a free and democratic Taiwan.  Specifically, we urge you to unfreeze the $11 billion worth of arms sales to Taiwan, including the sixty-six advanced F-16 fighter jets.”

They continue: “As you travel to China, the world’s largest communist country ruled by unelected dictators, we implore you to not forget the island nation of Taiwan, situated barely a hundred miles off Chinese shores.  It is a free and democratic country, and one you recently praised as “a beacon of democracy to Asia and the world,” and in 2001 you pledged “whatever it took” to help her defend herself.”

They conclude: “The TRA and President Reagan’s Six Assurances also make it clear that the nature and quantity of arms sold are based solely upon the needs of Taiwan and without prior consultation with China.  In fact, you have long ago approved the sale of most of the items in the $11 billion package.  Therefore we urge you to unfreeze these sales immediately.”

FAPA President Bob Yang , Ph.D. states: “Selling the arms package to Taiwan is not only in Taiwan’s interest, it is clearly in the United States interest. According to sources, the mere sale of F-16s to Taiwan, would bring 40,000 man-years of additional employment to North Central Texas – especially Fort Worth. Arms sales to Taiwan should not be based on the politics of the day. Therefore, time to lift the freeze is now!”



聯署信函表示:「我們籲請您重申美國對自由民主台灣的堅持。我們尤其在此呼籲您解涷高達 一百一十億美元的對台灣軍售,包括六十六架F-16戰鬥機。」「當您前往中國,這個由非民主領導人所統治的全球最大的共產國家的同時,我們希望您不要忘記台灣這個距離中國不到一百海哩的小島國。台灣是一個自由民主的國家,您還曾讚揚台灣是亞洲與全球民主的燈塔,您並在2001年表示會竭盡所能協助台灣自我防衛。」



Letter to President Bush

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Bush:

On the eve of your trip to Beijing to attend the Olympic Games, we, the undersigned representatives of Taiwanese-American and allied organizations, appeal to you to reaffirm America’s support for a free and democratic Taiwan.  Specifically, we urge you to unfreeze the $11 billion worth of arms sales to Taiwan, including the sixty-six advanced F-16 fighter jets.

As you travel to China, the world’s largest communist country ruled by unelected dictators, we implore you to not forget the island nation of Taiwan, situated barely a hundred miles off Chinese shores.  It is a free and democratic country, and one you recently praised as “a beacon of democracy to Asia and the world,” and in 2001 you pledged “whatever it took” to help her defend herself.

As you partake in the Olympics festivities put on by y our Chinese hosts, we ask you to recall that, in your second inaugural address, you told the nation that “The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands.”  The success of liberty is not to be found in China where you are visiting.  Rather it has been achieved in Taiwan across that narrow strait.  For America’s sake, please help Taiwan safeguard her liberty.

In 2005, China passed the so-called Anti-secession Law threatening the use of force against Taiwan at the slightest provocation.  Your own Department of Defense reported earlier this year that China had targeted no less than 1,070 short-range ballistic missiles at Taiwan.  “It is increasing the size of this force at a rate of more than 100 missiles per year,” the report noted.  Based on land area, this would be equivalent to aiming 292,000 missiles at the U.S. and adding 27,000 more each year.  The real and grave threat to Taiwan requires that Taiwan possess a credible national defense.

The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) stipulates that the “United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability.”  The TRA and President Reagan’s Six Assurances also make it clear that the nature and quantity of arms sold are based solely upon the needs of Taiwan and without prior consultation with China.  In fact, you have long ago approved the sale of most of the items in the $11 billion package.  Therefore we urge you to unfreeze these sales immediately.

Thank you for your attention.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Fred Baehner, President, American Taiwan Society

Jack Chen, President, Austin Institute for Taiwan Studies

Adam Huang, President, Chhong-Bi Memorial Fund

Kang-Hou Wang, President, Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation

Terri Giles, Executive Director, Formosa Foundation

Pearl Ta ng, President, Formosan Association for Human Rights

Bob I. Yang, President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs

Mary Helen Cruz, President, Friends of Taiwan, Inc.

Je-Chin Han, President, North America Taiwa nese Professors’ Association

Sue Lee, President, North Amer ica Taiwanese Women’s Association

Jung Tsai, President, North American Taiwanese Medical Association

Ben Pin-Shuo Liu, President, Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation

Josephine Pan, President, Taiwan Elite Alliance

David Lai, President, Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America

Ma-chi Chen, President, Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California

Ron Shieh, President, Taiwanese Association of America

Tzuhui Chen, Spokesperson, Taiwanese Collegian

Fred H. Wang, President, Taiwanese Hakka Association of America

Peter N.P. Lo, President, Taiwanese Hakka Association of the World

Susan Chang, President, World Federation of Taiwanese Associations

C.K. Kuo, Coordinator, World Taiwanese Congress

James S. Chen, Chairman, World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A.

Photo Credit: White House photo by Eric Draper