U.S. Representative Introduces Legislation Calling For U.S.-Taiwan High-Level Military Exchange/Urging Taiwan To Decide Future Through Referendum

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 28, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representative Introduces Legislation Calling For U.S.-Taiwan High-Level Military Exchange/Urging Taiwan To Decide Future Through Referendum

One week after the Pentagon released its annual assessment report on China’s military power, Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) introduced a resolution (H.Con.Res. 219) in the evening of July 27 calling for the enhancement of Taiwan’s security by upgrading U.S.-Taiwan high-level military visits and supporting a referendum as the ultimate mechanism to determine Taiwan’s future.

The resolution concludes that:

(3) the President should abolish all restrictions on visits by United States military high-level officials to Taiwan to help safeguard United States security interests in the region; and (5) the future of Taiwan should be determined free from coercion by the People’s Republic of China, peacefully, and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan through a democratic mechanism such as a referendum.

The resolution also makes references to the Taiwan Relations Act and to the recently published DOD report: Whereas in a July 19, 2005 report, the Department of Defense stated that ‘‘[t]he cross-Strait balance of power is shifting towards Beijing . . . Chinese air, naval and missile force modernization is increasing demands on Taiwan to develop countermeasures that would enable it to avoid being quickly overwhelmed.’’

Finally, the resolution calls upon the president to authorize the sale of Aegis to Taiwan: “for (4) the President should authorize the sale of the Aegis system to Taiwan, which would enable Taiwan to defend itself against the threat of a missile attack by the People’s Republic of China.”

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu states: “The serious lack of direct communication between senior military officials in Taiwan and the U.S. needs to be addressed immediately. This is not only in Taiwan’s interest but also in U.S. interest, because the current restrictions pose a great danger to the American soldiers who would put their lives on the line if and when a conflict arises in the Taiwan Strait. Should the U.S. need to intervene in a Taiwan Strait crisis, an effective contingency plan requires smooth and seamless coordination between the Taiwanese and U.S. military. The introduction of this resolution by Rep. Andrews is therefore timely and necessary.”

Wu concludes: “Rep. Andrews was one of the 36 Members of Congress who signed an open letter to the people of Taiwan during the March 2004 presidential elections in which the Members of Congress concluded: “You have earned the right to hold exclusive responsibility for determining the future of Taiwan and to exercise democratic processes. This includes holding referenda free from intimidation or threat of force from any country including communist China.” It is encouraging to see that he has now decided to put this concept into legislation.”


在美國國防部公佈中國軍力年度報告近十天之後,台灣連線成員之一的眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)特於27日晚間提出第 219 號決議案(H.Con.Res.219),呼籲加強台灣安全,提昇台美軍事高層官員互訪、交流,並支持公民投票為決定台灣前途的唯一依歸。






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