Taiwanese-Americans Express Solidarity With Hong Kong Protesters

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – October 2, 2014
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwanese-Americans Express Solidarity With Hong Kong Protesters

Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs – a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 54 chapters across the United States — expressed its strong support for the demonstrators in Hong Kong in their struggle for democracy.

FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: “As a nation-wide Taiwanese American organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, FAPA extends a hand in solidarity to our friends in Hong Kong during their protests calling for more freedom,  human rights and democracy for the people of Hong Kong.”

“It is clear that the Beijing’s promises of a “One Country, Two Systems” model for Hong Kong were merely empty promises, and that Beijing is not honoring the commitments made in the 1984 Joint Declaration or the Basic Law.”

Dr. Kao continues: “The recent decisions by Beijing — the June 10th White Paper and the August 31st announcement that the candidates for Hong Kong’s chief executive election in 2017 must be approved by Beijing – show a total disregard for the basic principles of freedom and democracy.  Even worse, when the people of Hong Kong took to the streets to peacefully express their views on these issues, they were met with riot police using tear gas and pepper spray.  This is unconscionable!”

Dr. Kao adds: “These developments serve as a reminder to the people of Taiwan that they should not allow themselves to be pulled into a closer economic and political embrace by China.  We therefore urge the people of Taiwan to resist the attempts by the current Kuomintang government of President Ma Ying-jeou to move further with his rapprochement with China.  The Chinese actions on Hong Kong show that this would be detrimental for Taiwan’s future as a free, democratic and independent nation.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “Let me finish by echoing the words of Steve Cabot, the chairman of the Asian Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives: I think that we have to be very wary when it comes to trusting some of China’s promises. We are seeing it now in Hong Kong. And I think that Taiwan has to be very careful that they don’t get attracted into a situation that might seem like it is a good thing upfront, but once you get involved with China you may find that you can’t get yourself out of their clutches.”







高博士總結道:「讓我引用美國眾議院亞太事務小組委員會主席、夏波議員(Steve Chabot)的話做總結:『我認為我們在相信中國所做的某些承諾時必須十分小心。香港就是一個直接的例子。我認為台灣也要十分注意,不應該因為表面上的益處就被中國吸引。一旦你陷進去之後,你可能會發現已經無法脫離中國的掌控。』」

Photo Credit: Studio Incendo (Flickr)