FAPA Urges President Trump to Reaffirm Taiwan Relations Act and Six Assurances as the Cornerstones of US-Taiwan Relations when Meeting with Xi Jinping

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – November 2, 2017
Contact: (202) 547-3686


In a letter dated November 2, 2017, Peter Chen, the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) appealed to President Trump to “reaffirm America’s support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan” during his upcoming visit to China. Specifically, he asked that President Trump reaffirm the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and President Reagan’s 1982 Six Assurances as the cornerstones of U.S.-Taiwan relations, when meeting with Xi.

Peter Chen also asked that Trump impresses upon Mr. Xi that China dismantles its 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the use of force against Taiwan, and concluded his letter stating that it is essential that China end Taiwan’s international political isolation: “Taiwan deserves an equal place in the international family of nations, and its people should be fully represented in international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization and others.”

Peter Chen states, “We understand that in order to resolve many of the world’s major problems, the United States needs to engage China, but the fact is that China is not a ‘responsible stakeholder”, is causing increasing tension in the region, in particular in the South China Sea, East China Sea, is mishandling the democratic developments in Hong Kong, etc… Against this background, we emphasize that “engagement” should not be done at the expense of America’s core values: freedom, democracy and human rights, as exemplified in the country and the people of Taiwan.”

Peter Chen concludes: “It is a core US interest to help protect and nurture Taiwan’s young democracy. We therefore urge President Trump to move towards a “One Taiwan, One China” policy that welcomes Taiwan as a full and equal member in the international community.”






Open Letter to President Trump

November 2, 2017
President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump:

As the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a Taiwanese‑American nonprofit organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, I write to you today about an issue of grave concern to our members.

As you prepare to meet with China’s President Xi Jinping in China, we appeal to you to reaffirm America’s support for freedom, democracy and human rights in Taiwan. Specifically, we ask that you reaffirm the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and President Reagan’s 1982 Six Assurances as the cornerstones of U.S.-Taiwan relations, when meeting with Xi.

We understand that the United States needs to engage China. However, such engagement should not come at the expense of America’s core values of freedom, democracy and human rights, as embodied in the country of our birth, Taiwan.

Over the years, Chinese leaders have asserted that Taiwan is one of China’s so‑called “core interests.” We ask that you remind Mr. Xi that it is a core interest of the United States that the future of Taiwan be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.  We also request that you refrain from proffering U.S. respect for China’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” as China lays specious claim over Taiwan.

We also ask that you impress upon Mr. Xi that China dismantle its 1,600 missiles targeted at Taiwan and renounce the use of force against Taiwan. To safeguard Taiwan is to embrace freedom, democracy and human rights. This is not only the best way to maintain peace and stability in Asia, is it also consistent with U.S. law.

Lastly, it is essential that China end Taiwan’s international political isolation. Taiwan is a peace‑loving country that is ready, willing and able to carry out United Nations Charter obligations. Taiwan deserves an equal place in the international family of nations, and its people should be fully represented in international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization and others.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,
Peter Chen
President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs








Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead