Henry Wu: Questions


  • 如何思考台灣在大國博弈當中的角色? (吳嘉隆 Henry)
  • 既然美、日抗中想用「台灣」作馬前卒,有什麼方法與台灣簽「協防條約」或「建交」來確保台灣的安全。 (林敬賢)
  • How to heal the wound and unify the nation? (So divided the society) (B-Chen)
  • nonoe (Jonathan Shieh)
  • N (Chen-Wei Sh)
  • No questions at this point (Ying Chen)
  • How to encourage members to communicate with congressional members? (David Lai)
  • NA (紀森仁)
  • 你覺得台灣政府部門了解中國到,可以預測到中共對台灣的武統策略嗎? (Sandy Chou)
  • What Taiwan can do to defend themselves (Jack Jeng)
  • What is the possibilility that US troops resides in Taiwan? (Kelly)
  • 因為武漢肺炎是21世紀的瘟疫,全球都對中國關係降温,中國採取軍機軍艦威脋台灣,台灣惟有自立建國才能立足大世界。台灣人民與醒覺來公投,政府有作什麼提倡的政策? (Catherine Lai)
  • China Airlines should be renamed to Taiwan Airlines (JJ Chen)
  • No question. (Lily lin)
  • No question. (Lily Lin)
  • No question (Lily LIn)
  • Not yet. (Beverly Chang)
  • not yet. (Beverly Chang)
  • n/a (daniel hong)
  • No question (Jim Yang)
  • no (John Tsai)
  • How to expand membership (James Shieh)
  • No question now (Carol)
  • 如何促使美、日簽署協防條約或建交,我認為那是台灣獨立建國的捷徑。 (林敬賢)
  • None (Ming-Shyong Wu)
  • None (None)
  • None (None)
  • None (Ming-Shyong Wu)
  • No question (Ming-Shyong Wu)
  • skip (Wen Lang Tsai)