2024-0104: U.S. Should Recognize Taiwan’s Self-Determination and Independent Statehood (FAPA’s Op-Ed); FY 2024 NDAA with Taiwan Provisions

U.S. Should Recognize Taiwan’s Right of Self-Determination and Independent Statehood: FAPA President’s Op-Ed In a Pourquoi op-ed dated January 3, 2024,…

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展望 2024 台美關係:美國應明確承認台灣自決權與獨立國格

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2023-1221: U.S. Must End Its “One China” Policy: Rep. Tom Tiffany; Taiwan Retains No.1 in Asia on Freedom Index; U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan

“America’s ‘One China’ Policy Is a Delusion We Can No Longer Afford”: Rep. Tom Tiffany’s Op-Ed In a Washington Times op-ed…

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2023-1214: U.S., Allies Back Stability in Taiwan Strait; Taiwan’s International Participation; China’s Nighttime Military Activity Near Taiwan

U.S. and Its Allies to “Stand Up” for Stability in Taiwan Strait: Sullivan On December 9, U.S. National Security Adviser Jake…

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Taiwan’s History and Status: Taiwan Has Never Been a Part of China

  • Post category:Op-Ed

To correct some popular misunderstandings and to more effectively counter the PRC’s disinformation on Taiwan’s history and status, this article argues that: (1) Historically speaking, Taiwan has never been a part of “China”; and (2) legally speaking, both the Republic of China (ROC; 1912–1949) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC; 1949–present) have never acquired territorial sovereignty over Taiwan.

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