2024-0307: TSMC to Invest $100 Billion More in U.S.; Taiwan’s Fall Would Be “A Disaster,” Colby Says; Bill Introduced to Boost U.S.-Taiwan Travel

Trump, TSMC Announce Additional $100 Billion Investment in U.S. Semiconductor Expansion On March 3, U.S. President Donald Trump and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing…

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新聞稿 – 2025年3月5日美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 連絡電話(美國):202-600-6819 ㅤ 美國護照等官方文件可將「台灣」列為出生地,源於1994年的歷史性修法 近期,網路流傳「美國公民及移民服務局」(USCIS)在其《政策手冊》中頒布新規定,允許申請歸化美國的台灣移民在申請表上填寫「Taiwan」(台灣)為其「出生國」與「國籍」,且其獲頒之「歸化證書」亦將顯示「原國籍」為「Taiwan」。但事實上,相關規定早已施行多年,並非近期才頒布之新政策。此外,USCIS簽發之證書,皆不會標示「Taiwan, PRC」(中華人民共和國台灣)、「Taiwan, China」(中國台灣)、「Taiwan, Republic of China」或「Taiwan, ROC」(中華民國台灣),而這也是行之多年的規定。 然而,在1994年之前,於台灣出生的台裔美國人確實曾被迫在美國護照及其他官方文件上將「China」(中國)列為出生地。這一錯誤表述不僅加深「台灣是中國一部分」的誤解,甚至冒犯地暗示台美人亦為「Chinese」,這與絕大多數台美人的自我族群認同不符,數十年來讓許多人感到不平與沮喪。 因此,台灣人公共事務會(Formosan Association for Public Affairs, FAPA)於1991年發起一項政策倡議運動,致力糾正此出生地錯誤,以保障台美人應有的正當身分與作為台灣人的族群認同。FAPA發起的這項倡議,最終促成1994年美國國會修法,使來自台灣的美國歸化公民得以在美國護照等官方文件上,將「出生地」(Place of…

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Call for U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Ties (H.Con.Res.8)

  • Post category:Petition

【Petition】The concurrent resolution, H.Con.Res.8, urges the U.S. to resume formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan and abandon its outdated and dishonest “One China policy.” It also calls for U.S. support for Taiwan’s full membership in all international organizations and the negotiation of a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement (FTA).

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2025-0228: Rubio Reaffirms U.S. Opposition to Forced Change in Taiwan’s Status; Bill Introduced to Review U.S.-Taiwan Engagement Guidelines; Resolution to Counter China’s Distortion of UN Res. 2758

Rubio: U.S. Opposes Any Forced or Coercive Change to Taiwan’s Status On February 26, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio reaffirmed the…

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2025-0221: U.S. Drops Wording on Not Supporting Taiwan Independence; U.S., Japan, ROK Highlight Taiwan Strait Peace; Canada’s Taiwan Strait Transit

U.S. State Department Removes Website Wording on Not Supporting Taiwan Independence On February 13, the U.S. State Department updated its website’s fact…

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2025-0214: Taiwan to Boost Defense Spending to Over 3% of GDP; Trump, Ishiba Call for Taiwan Strait Peace; First U.S. Taiwan Strait Transit Under Trump’s 2nd Term

President Lai Pledges to Raise Taiwan’s Defense Spending to Over 3% of GDP Taiwan’s government aims to increase defense spending to…

Continue Reading2025-0214: Taiwan to Boost Defense Spending to Over 3% of GDP; Trump, Ishiba Call for Taiwan Strait Peace; First U.S. Taiwan Strait Transit Under Trump’s 2nd Term