78 U.S. Representatives Call Upon Secretary Pompeo to Change TECRO Name to “Taiwan Representative Office”

The TECRO name change is fully consistent with U.S. policy. Historically, the U.S. refers to Taiwan with the country’s geographic connotation of ‘Taiwan’ because the U.S. and Taiwan do not maintain diplomatic relations.

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2020 TX-S Event: Hsin-Tai Wu

【Online Event】吳欣岱醫師畢業於陽明大學醫學系,現在是心血管外科醫師,同時也是高雄好過日協會理事長,以及台灣基進性別發展部主任,還有全國醫師醫療產業工會發起人。年紀輕輕的她在今年初代表了台灣基進參選全國不分區立委,相信她的斜槓人生能為我們帶來非常精彩的演講。

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