Time to reaffirm Taiwan-US ties
Taiwanese-Americans believe that a strong US Taiwan partnership, in the context of robust US leadership in the Western Pacific, will keep America first in the Pacific.
Taiwanese-Americans believe that a strong US Taiwan partnership, in the context of robust US leadership in the Western Pacific, will keep America first in the Pacific.
It seems obvious that Taiwan’s full membership in the WHO is not simply in the interests of the 23 million people of Taiwan; it is of critical importance to the US and to the rest of the world, too.
For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC – October 31, 2008Contact: (202) 547-3686 FAPA's Statement Regarding The Recent Spate Of Politically-Inspired Prosecutions In Taiwan…
For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC – February 22, 2008Contact: (202) 547-3686 68 Taiwanese American Groups Call For U.S. Support For Taiwan Referendum…
For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC, October 28, 2016Contact: (202) 547-3686 House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce Urges Census Bureau To Add…
We at the Formosan Association for Public Affairs believe that making the AIT’s senior appointments subject to US senate confirmation is constitutionally desirable.