Taiwanese American Organizations Express Solidarity With The People Of Taiwan; Condemn The Ma Administration’s Trampling On Taiwan’s Sovereignty, Human Rights And Freedom November 7, 2008
US, European and Australian scholars and writers express concern about prosecutions in Taiwan November 4, 2008
Members Of Congress Urge Secretary Rice To Strike Political Pro-China References From Annual Technical State Department Cable October 3, 2008
State Department Emphasizes “Taiwan” As Correct Name In U.S. Passports And Certificates Of Naturalization — “ROC”, “PRC” Or “Taiwan, China” Not Allowed September 8, 2008
Senators Criticize Secret China-WHO M.O.U. And Bush Administration’s Lack Of Initiatives In Bringing Taiwan Into The WHO August 2, 2008
22 Taiwanese American Organizations Urge IOC President To Use “Taiwan” During Beijing Olympic Games Instead Of “Chinese, Taipei” July 31, 2008
House Taiwan Caucus Urges President To Move Forward With Arms Sales To Taiwan – Calls Arms Freeze Violation Of Spirit Of TRA July 31, 2008
Taiwanese American Organizations Urge President Bush Not to Attend Olympic Games in China Over Taiwan, Tibet and Human Rights April 25, 2008