2024-1101: Designation of “Taiwan” as a Place of Birth on U.S. Passports; U.S.-Taiwan Talks on Double Taxation Deal; U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan

FAPA Celebrates 30th Anniversary of the Enactment of U.S. Passport “Place of Birth: ‘Taiwan’” Campaign and Calls for End to Outdated…

Continue Reading2024-1101: Designation of “Taiwan” as a Place of Birth on U.S. Passports; U.S.-Taiwan Talks on Double Taxation Deal; U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan

2024-1018: Taiwan Condemns China’s Large-Scale Military Drills; U.S., EU, U.K., Japan Concerned Over PRC Drills; Compromising Sovereignty Won’t Bring Peace, Taiwan’s Former President Tsai Says in Europe

Taiwan Strongly Condemns China’s Military Drills as “Irrational Provocations” On October 14, Taiwan condemned the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) “irrational”…

Continue Reading2024-1018: Taiwan Condemns China’s Large-Scale Military Drills; U.S., EU, U.K., Japan Concerned Over PRC Drills; Compromising Sovereignty Won’t Bring Peace, Taiwan’s Former President Tsai Says in Europe

2024-1011: Most Taiwanese Willing to Defend Taiwan; China Has “No Right to Represent Taiwan,” President Lai Says; Rep. Lesko Leads Delegation to Taiwan

Most Taiwanese See China’s Territorial Aggression as “Serious Threat” and Are Willing to Defend Taiwan: Survey Most Taiwanese view China’s territorial…

Continue Reading2024-1011: Most Taiwanese Willing to Defend Taiwan; China Has “No Right to Represent Taiwan,” President Lai Says; Rep. Lesko Leads Delegation to Taiwan

2024-0927: Overseas Taiwanese Groups Call for Full UN Membership for “Taiwan”; STOP CCP Act Passes House; Japan Makes First-Ever Taiwan Strait Transit

FAPA Initiates a Joint Letter to UN Secretary-General, Calling for Full UN Membership for “Taiwan” and Condemning China’s Misuse of UNGA Res.…

Continue Reading2024-0927: Overseas Taiwanese Groups Call for Full UN Membership for “Taiwan”; STOP CCP Act Passes House; Japan Makes First-Ever Taiwan Strait Transit

2024-0920: Campbell Criticizes China’s Misuse of UN Res. 2758; Taiwan’s Full Participation in WHO; U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan; Dutch House Clarifies UN Res. 2758

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Campbell Criticizes China’s Misuse of UN Resolution 2758 During a Congressional hearing on September 18, U.S. Deputy Secretary…

Continue Reading2024-0920: Campbell Criticizes China’s Misuse of UN Res. 2758; Taiwan’s Full Participation in WHO; U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan; Dutch House Clarifies UN Res. 2758

2024-0906: FAPA Condemns China’s Infiltration in U.S.; Ex-NY Governor Aide Charged as Chinese Agent; Taiwan to Explain UNGA Res. 2758

FAPA Strongly Condemns China’s Infiltration and Espionage in U.S. Government Institutions as Exposed by the Indictment of Linda Sun The Formosan…

Continue Reading2024-0906: FAPA Condemns China’s Infiltration in U.S.; Ex-NY Governor Aide Charged as Chinese Agent; Taiwan to Explain UNGA Res. 2758