A Leading Voice for Taiwan in America

Formosan Association for Public Affairs


FAPA provides US policymakers, the media, scholars, and the general public with information on issues related to Taiwan. FAPA informs and updates Members of Congress and their staff on issues regarding Taiwan. FAPA seeks to articulate the point of view of the people of Taiwan.

Email Your Congress Members Today for
Taiwan Fellowship Act
A Bipartisan Bill Supports Closer US-Taiwan Relations
Generate an email to your Representative and Senators to support the Taiwan Fellowship Act!
It only takes 3 minutes!
Join FAPA annual speech tour with
Peifen Hsieh & Hsin-tai Wu
Co-hosted by CA-OC, CO, and TX-S Chapter
Date: October  18 & 19, 2020
These two sessions will be delivered in Mandarin
Free Online Meeting

Who We Are

A Grassroots Non-Profit Organization Building up Support for Taiwan

Issues We Care

Advocate, Educate and Communicate with the World


Become Part of Us.
Make the Change Together

Only by standing firmly with
Democratic Taiwan
will we uphold our principles
in promoting Freedom Worldwide
- House Taiwan Caucus (2008)

Highlights of Taiwan-related Legislation in the Congress

2020 TAIPEI Act
Express US Support for Taiwan's Diplomatic Alliances around the World
Full Text
2018 Taiwan Travel Act
Encourages high-level official visits between the United States and Taiwan
Full Text
2016 Six Assurances Resolution
Reaffirming the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances as Cornerstones of US-Taiwan Relations
2001 Participation of Taiwan in the WHO
Support Taiwan’s Participation in the World Health Assembly as an Observer
Full Text
1994 H.R.5034
Allow Taiwanese Americans to Use “Taiwan” instead of “China” for their Place of Birth on the Passport.
Full Text
1986 Taiwan Democracy Resolution
Support Freedom of Speech, Expression, Assembly, and a Fully Representative Government in Taiwan
Introduced in House
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