Rename TECRO to TRO

Taiwanese Americans believe that the current title of Taiwan’s de facto embassy in Washington DC, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), does not reflect the national identity and dignity of Taiwan. Referring to Taiwan as “Taiwan” is consistent with U.S. policy. We therefore seek Congress’ support to rename TECRO to TRO.


Taiwanese Americans believe that the current title of Taiwan’s de facto embassy in Washington DC, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), does not reflect the national identity and dignity of Taiwan. Referring to Taiwan as “Taiwan” is consistent with U.S. policy. We therefore seek Congress’ support to rename TECRO to TRO.

Consistent with U.S. Policy

In the Taiwan Guidelines of 1990, the State Department stated: “Consistent with the unofficial nature of U.S.-Taiwan ties, the U.S. Government no longer refers to Taiwan as the "Republic of China" — a term reflecting Taipei's continuing claim to be the government of China. Nor does the U.S. Government refer to Taiwan as a "country" or a "government." We refer to Taiwan simply as Taiwan, and to its leadership as "the Taiwan authorities.”

Countering the Dominance of the One China Principle

Having a TRO in DC can be a countermeasure against the dominance of the One China Principle. From 2017 to 2018, the PRC pressured Taiwan’s non-diplomatic allies in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America to drop the name Taiwan or Republic of China from Taiwan’s de facto embassies. For instance, Bahrain forcefully changed “Trade Mission of Taiwan to the Kingdom of Bahrain” into “Taipei Trade Office in the Kingdom of Bahrain.” In this sense, supporting TRO equals to countering the dominance of the One China Principle.