Members Of U.S. Congress Express Strong Support For “UN For Taiwan”

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – September 14, 2007
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Members Of U.S. Congress Express Strong Support For “UN For Taiwan”

On the eve of the rally in support of UN for Taiwan to be held in on Dag Hammarskjold plaza in front of the United Nations in New York on September 15, several Members of the United States Congress expressed their strong support for UN membership for Taiwan.

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) states: “I am proud to be a member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, and believe there is no question that the United States must stand strong and advocate for Taiwan’s independence from China and inclusion as a United Nations member state. The policy of exclusion must stop now.”

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) writes: “I rise today in support of Taiwan’s admission to the United Nations. For the last 36 years, Taiwan’s people have had no representation in the United Nations. It is incongruous that a world body founded on the principle of universality and self-determination excludes a free, democratic and independent nation of 23 million people — a population larger than three quarters of the U.N.’s current member states… As Taiwan bids to return to the United Nations, I wish to say that I totally support Taiwan’s aspirations to be a member of this global body. Taiwan has all the qualifications: a sound political system, a much-admired economy and a genuine desire to maintain peace and prosperity in East Asia and the world.

Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) writes: ” For too long the people of Taiwan have lived in the shadow of their larger neighbor to the west, China.  The shadow has loomed so large that Taiwan has been blocked from membership in the United Nations, the one body in which all sovereign and peace loving nations should have a voice… China must recognize that Taiwan is neither rival nor vassal, rather it is a neighbor.”  

Rep. Edolphus Town (D-NY) writes: “Taiwan is not only a free, open and independent democracy, it is a good neighbor and friend to countries in need around the world.”

FAPA President C.T. Lee MD says: “At this time when there is a lot of discussion within the United Nations about Taiwan’s membership bids, as well as within the United States Government, these statements are very welcome and timely.”

Dr. Lee continues: “These statements send a clear signal to the United Nations and its member states that the UN should open its doors for Taiwan right here and right now. Simultaneously, they send a signal to the U.S. Government that U.S. support for Taiwan’s membership in international organizations such as the UN should be based on how Taiwan can contribute to and benefit from these international organizations – not on what the conditions for membership to these organizations are.”










Photo Credit: 阿仁(Wikipedia Commons)