Over 50 Representatives Urge Secretary Rice To Invite Taiwan To Beijing Avian Flu Talks/Include Taiwan In IPAPI Network

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – December 16, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Over 50 Representatives Urge Secretary Rice To Invite Taiwan To Beijing Avian Flu Talks/Include Taiwan In IPAPI Network

In a letter dated December 16, 53 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives ask Secretary Rice for an explanation why Taiwan is left out of US-initiated International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (IPAPI) network, and that Taiwan “be included in the next full meeting of IPAPI, scheduled for January 2006 in Beijing.”

The letter, initiated by Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and co-signed by -among others- House International Relations Committee chair Henry Hyde, reads: “We encourage you to work with Taiwan as a part of the international effort to combat the avian flu, despite Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO.  Please provide an update on how the Administration has been working with Taiwan in combating the avian flu in the face of its official isolation. We also ask what steps will be taken to ensure Taiwan’s involvement in international health cooperation in the future.”

The Members conclude: “Diseases know no borders. Taiwan cannot afford to be the missing link in this international battle against the avian flu. Even more importantly, the global community cannot afford to leave Taiwan out.”

FAPA President-elect C.T. Lee M.D. states: “As a medical doctor myself, saving lives is the sacred duty that every doctor must uphold regardless the patient’s sex, religion, race or profession. The same universality should be applied by the international arena to the case of Taiwan.”

“It is unimaginable that with the Avian Flu currently spreading through Asia, Taiwan, being in the heart of the region, is noticeably absent in the related global network.”

Lee concludes: “The international community needs to stop playing politics over the lives of the Taiwanese people and promptly invite Taiwan to all Avian Flu related global conferences and networks.”


五十三位美國眾議員於今日(16日)聯署致函萊斯國務卿,要求國務院向他們解釋為什麼台灣至今仍被排拒在由美國所提出的禽流感國際合作計劃(International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza),議員們並希望台灣能夠受邀參加明年元月於北京所舉行的禽流感國際會議。

這封由安德魯斯眾議員(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)所發起的信函獲得五十三位議員的聯署,其中並包括重量級的國際關係委員會主席海德(Henry Hyde, R-IL)。議員們在信中表示:「我們鼓勵您在國際防治禽流感的努力下與台灣合作,即使台灣不是世界衛生組織的一份子。我們並請您提供一份行政部門至今如何與台灣合作一同抵抗禽流感的最新報告。」





Photo Credit: Wally Gobetz (Flickr)