Taiwan Bills in the Congress

116th Congress, 2019 – 2020

Taiwan Fellowship Act

If passed, the Taiwan Fellowship Act would allow 10 U.S. federal government employees each year to work with their Taiwanese counterparts in Taiwan government offices most relevant to their home agencies and receive Mandarin language training for two years. As US-Taiwan high-level exchanges are rather limited, we consider working-level exchanges that this Act seeks to achieve extremely conducive to enhancing mutual understanding between the two countries.


Senate – 3 Republican, 2 Democrats
House – 18 Democrats, 8 Republicans

Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act

The Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act seeks to reverse U.S. long-held strategic ambiguity towards the defense to Taiwan: “The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as the President determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to secure and protect Taiwan against armed attack.” This Act also proposes several concrete policy initiatives that are critical to the bilateral defense cooperation, such as establishing regional security dialogues and carrying out bilateral or multilateral military exercises with Taiwan.


Senate – No co-sponsor.
House – 18 Republicans.

Taiwan Relations Reinforcement Act

Strengthen U.S. policy toward Taiwan.

S.4813 highlights the increasing Chinese threat to a free and open Indo-Pacific, including the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to unilaterally annex Taiwan through non-peaceful means and its attempts at undermining Taiwan’s vibrant democratic institutions. The bill requires the Executive Branch to take the following actions: 
  • Create an Interagency Taiwan Policy Task Force;
  • Require Senate confirmation for the Director of the American Institute in Taiwan;
  • Establish the US-Taiwan Cultural Exchange Foundation;
  • Include Taiwan in bilateral and multilateral military training exercises;
  • Develop strategies to counter CCP’s sharp power against Taiwan;
  • Negotiate a bilateral trade agreement with Taiwan.

China Task Force Act

The China Task Force Act (H.R.12) seeks to counter rising Chinese Communist Party threats to U.S. interests. An essential part of that effort is ensuring a free Taiwan. The bill references seven bills and acts that reinforce the U.S. commitment to Taiwan’s continued peace and international development.
Five of the referenced bills are as follows:

  • S.4327 – Taiwan Fellowship Act, which would establish a 2-year fellowship program that allows 10 U.S. government officials each year to study Chinese mandarin and work with their Taiwanese counterparts in the Taiwan government offices most relevant to their home agencies. 
  • S.878 – Taiwan Assurance Act, which seeks to support Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities, international participation, and lifting U.S. self-imposed restrictions on its relations with Taiwan. 
  • S.3310 – Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act, which seeks to permit the displays of Taiwanese flags and military insignia at U.S. government-hosted functions. 
  • H.R.6974 – Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act, which supports Taiwan’s participation and equitable treatment by international financial institutions such as the IMF.
  • H.R.6014 – Employment Fairness for Taiwan Act, which requires the Treasury Secretary to support fairness for Taiwanese nationals seeking employment at international financial institutions.


House – 28 Republicans

Taiwan Envoy Act

Senate Confirmation of AIT Director

The AIT Director, the U.S. de facto Ambassador to Taiwan, is appointed by the Secretary of State without checks and balances by the Congress. Taiwanese Americans would like to see the AIT Director confirmed by the Senate, which has the right to oversee US-Taiwan relations through such a confirmation process. 


House – 3 Republican, 2 Democrats

Taiwan Assurance Act

Passed House

The bipartisan Taiwan Assurance Act seeks to deepen US-Taiwan relations by supporting the following policy initiatives:

  1. Include Taiwanese forces in bilateral and multilateral military exercises.
  2. Review the Department of States’ “Guidelines on Relations with Taiwan” with the intent to expand US-Taiwan relations.
  3. USTR should resume meetings with Taiwan for a bilateral free trade agreement.


Senate – 6 Republicans, 3 Democrats
House – 20 Republicans, 4 Democrats