Taiwanese-American Organizations Urge President Ma To listen To The Voice Of The Taiwanese People

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – August 19, 2013
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwanese-American Organizations Urge President Ma To listen To The Voice Of The Taiwanese People

Today a group of twenty-one  major Taiwanese-American organizations published an Open Letter to President Ma Ying-jeou, who is stopping in Los Angeles on his way back from a visit to several countries in the Caribbean.

In the letter they expressed concern about recent actions and decisions by the Ma government, and voiced support for the recent mass protests in Taiwan organized by civic organizations.

The groups applauded the fact that Taiwan had made a momentous transition to democracy only some 25 years ago, and stated that their hopes for Taiwan were high “… when under former Presidents Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan moved towards a vibrant democracy, and gained acceptance in the international community as a free and democratic nation.”

However, the groups said, during the past five years, under the rule of President Ma, “…Taiwan has increasingly drifted in the direction of a repressive China, at the expense of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.”

The twenty-one  organizations applauded the fact that at the present time “… the people in Taiwan – from all sides of the political spectrum — are not accepting this, and are now taking to the streets to express their opposition to the wrong-headed policies and heavy-handed practices of your administration.”

The organizations referred to the massive demonstrations which have taken place in Taiwan over the past few months, covering a wide range of issues, such as the death of conscript Hung Chung-chiu on July 4th 2013 while undergoing excessive disciplinary measures in military detention; The signing of the Services Trade Agreement with China on June 21st 2013, and the plans by the Ma government to push through completion of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao.

The organizations stated that “Taken together, these demonstrations show that the people of Taiwan are angry and upset about the incompetence in your government, the gradual drift into the shadow of China, and the increase in heavy-handed policies and practices reminiscent of the days of the repressive Martial Law, which remained in effect from the time the Kuomintang came over from China after World War II until 1987.”

The organizations urged the Ma government “… to listen to the voice of the Taiwanese, and move towards policies that are in the interest of Taiwan itself.” They also appealed to the United States government and Congress to pay close attention to the developments in Taiwan, and to support those who fight for freedom and democracy.

The organizations concluded: “A stable, free, and democratic Taiwan can only be ensured if the people have a fully free choice in running their own lives, and if they have a free choice on their future.  This is only served if Taiwan has open and transparent policies that serve the interest of the people in the country.”

FAPA President Mark Kao adds: “We will relay the concerns expressed at the protests in Taiwan to the US Congress and US Government, so they will be aware of these developments and pursue policies in support of a truly free and democratic Taiwan.”












Joint Letter to President Ma

President Ma Ying-jeou Washington, August 19th, 2013
Office of the President
Taipei, Taiwan                                                

President Ma,

The undersigned Taiwanese-American organizations hereby want to express concern about recent actions and decisions by your government, and support for the recent mass protests in Taiwan organized by civic organizations.

As Taiwanese-Americans we cherish the freedom and democracy we enjoy in the United States, and applaud the fact that the country of our birth, Taiwan, made a momentous transition to democracy only some 25 years ago.

Our hopes were high when under former Presidents Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan moved towards a vibrant democracy, and gained acceptance in the international community as a free and democratic nation.

However, during the past five years, under your rule, Taiwan has increasingly drifted in the direction of a repressive China, at the expense of freedom and democracy in Taiwan.

Fortunately, the people in Taiwan – from all sides of the political spectrum — are not accepting this, and are now taking to the streets to express their opposition to the wrong-headed policies and heavy-handed practices of your administration.  Over the past few months, we have seen massive demonstrations in Taiwan on a wide range of issues:

  1. The death of conscript Hung Chung-chiu on July 4th 2013 while undergoing excessive disciplinary measures in military detention;
  2. The signing of the Services Trade Agreement with China on June 21st 2013;
  3. The plans by your government to push through completion of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao; and
  4. The forced demolition of homes in Taipei and Miaoli.

Taken together, these demonstrations show that the people of Taiwan are angry and upset about the incompetence in your government, the gradual drift into the shadow of China, and the increase in heavy-handed policies and practices reminiscent of the days of the repressive Martial Law, which remained in effect from the time the Kuomintang came over from China after World War II until 1987.

We urge our friends and families in Taiwan to continue the pressure for justice, freedom and democracy;

We urge your government in Taiwan to listen to the voice of the Taiwanese, and move towards policies that are in the interest of Taiwan itself;

We appeal to the United States government and Congress to pay close attention to the developments in Taiwan, and to support those who fight for freedom and democracy.

A stable, free, and democratic Taiwan can only be ensured if the people have a fully free choice in running their own lives, and if they have a free choice on their future.  This is only served if Taiwan has open and transparent policies that serve the interest of the people in the country.

Sincerely yours,

  1. Dr. Wang Kang-Lu Memorial Foundation
  2. Formosan Association for Human Rights
  3. Formosan Association for Public Affairs
  4. Friends For Taiwan
  5. North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association
  6. North America Taiwanese Women’s Association
  7. North America Taiwanese Women’s Association – St. Louis Chapter
  8. North American Taiwanese Engineers’ Association
  9. Professor Chen Wen-Chen’s Memorial Foundation
  10. Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America
  11. Taiwanese American Center – Northern California
  12. Taiwanese Association of America
  13. Taiwanese Association of America – Cincinnati
  14. Taiwanese Association of America – Eastern Tennessee
  15. Taiwanese Association of America – Las Vegas
  16. Taiwanese Association of America – Northern New Jersey
  17. Taiwanese Association of America – Greater Orlando
  18. Taiwanese Association of America – Richmond
  19. Taiwanese Association of America – Richmond
  20. World Taiwanese Congress
  21. World United Formosans for Independence – USA







一、 2013年7月4日,陸軍下士洪仲丘於禁閉室中,遭過度操練致死案;
二、 2013年6月21日,「兩岸服務業貿易協議」的簽署;
三、 政府欲強行通過核四續建案;
四、 台北市及苗栗縣民宅遭強行拆除案。






敬請 鈞安

Photo Credit: 張永泰 (Wikipedia Commons)