U.S. Affirms Commitment To Taiwan’s Involvement In Bird Flu Dialogues – Blames Beijing

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – January 31, 2006
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Affirms Commitment To Taiwan’s Involvement In Bird Flu Dialogues – Blames Beijing

In a letter dated January 27, to Rep. Robert Andrews, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, Jeffrey Bergner, affirms the “US commitment to support Taiwan’s participation in key international meetings dedicated to fighting influenza and to engage with Taiwanese officials through bilateral meetings and workshops.”

Bergner writes in response to a letter dated December 16, in which 53 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives asked Secretary Rice for an explanation why Taiwan is left out of US-initiated International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (IPAPI) network, and that Taiwan “be included in the next full meeting of IPAPI, scheduled for January 2006 in Beijing.”

Bergner writes: “We have engaged with representatives from Taiwan in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation….and have supported Taiwan’s bid to obtain observer status in the World Health Assembly. With strong U.S. backing, Taiwan was able to send its CDC director, Steve Kuo, and other experts to represent Taiwan at WHO meetings on avian influenza in Geneva (November 7–9, 2005) and in Tokyo (January 12-13, 2006).”

Bergner continues: “Regrettably, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs rebuffed our attempts to include Taiwan at this week’s International Pledging Conference of Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza in Beijing, maintaining that only foreign states, multilateral organizations and NGO’s would be invited.”

FAPA President C.T. Lee, MD states: “As a medical doctor myself, saving lives is the sacred duty that every doctor must uphold. With the continuing emergence of Avian flu all over the world, containing the disease and thus saving lives has also become the sacred duty of governments.”  “International exchange of information on the Avian flu is in the interest of all governments around the world – including China. It is therefore unconscionable that the Beijing leadership is willing to let their own people and people in other countries succumb to the disease all because of their stubbornness of not wanting to acknowledge Taiwan’s independence. It is utterly unforgivable.”


美國國務院在一封由立法事務助理國務卿柏格納(Jeffrey Bergner)於1月27日致國會議員的信函裡,重申美國政府對台灣參與世界衛生組織以及禽流感相關會議的支持。

柏格納這封信主要是回覆53位美國眾議員於去年12月16日致函萊斯國務卿的聯署信函。議員們當時在信中要求國務院向他們解釋為什麼台灣被排拒在由美國所提出的禽流感國際合作計劃(International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza)之外;並表示希望台灣能夠受邀參加元月於北京所舉行的禽流感國際會議。重量級的國際關係委員會主席海德(Henry Hyde, R-IL)也參與聯署此信。





Photo Credit: NCinDC (Flickr)