U.S. Congressmen Introduce Bi-partisan Resolution Calling For U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 8, 2012
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Congressmen Introduce Bi-partisan Resolution Calling For U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations

On Monday, May 7, United States Congressmen Michael McCaul (R-TX), Robert Andrews (D-NJ), and Sam Johnson (R-TX) introduced a new resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives, calling on the United States government to resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

H. Con. Res. 122 urges the President to:

  1. Abandon the fundamentally flawed ‘One China Policy’ in favor of a more realistic ‘One China, One Taiwan Policy’ that recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country;
  2. Begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan; and
  3. Aggressively support Taiwan’s full participation in the United Nations “and any other international organization of…for which statehood is a requirement for membership.”

Of the five countries in the world that the United States government currently does not diplomatically recognize (Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Bhutan and Taiwan), Taiwan is the only full-fledged democracy.

Similar resolutions were introduced in 2005 and 2007 by former Congressman and outspoken Taiwan supporter Tom Tancredo (R-CO), and again in 2009 by former Congressman John Linder (R-GA), another staunch Taiwan advocate in the U.S. House of Representatives prior to his retirement.

Furthermore, the resolution affirms that the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances form the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations and establishes “the reality that Taiwan has functioned as an independent and sovereign country for over half a century.”

Formosan Association for Public Affairs’ President Mark Kao, Ph.D. applauds introduction of the resolution, saying that: “The new resolution reflects the growing sense within the U.S. Congress that the United States’ ‘One China Policy’ is more and more untenable, as it is clearly out of touch with the unmistakable reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation that deserves to be accepted as a full and equal member in the international community.”

Dr. Kao continues: “The reluctance of the United States government to reassess this obsolete element in its foreign policy emboldens an authoritarian People’s Republic of China in its attempts to politically isolate a democratic Taiwan.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “The Taiwanese people brought about their momentous transition to democracy some twenty years ago, but US policy never adapted to that new reality. By moving to a more realistic and practical ‘One China, One Taiwan’ policy, and by normalizing relations with Taiwan the United States would set a shining example for other countries to follow.”


德州共和黨麥考眾議員(Michael McCaul, R-TX)、紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)與德州共和黨強生眾議員(Sam Johnson, R-TX)於5月7日星期一提出一決議案,呼籲美國政府與台灣恢復外交關係。


  1. 揚棄大有瑕疵的一中政策,改採符合現狀的「一中一台」政策以承認台灣為一主權獨立國家;
  2. 開始有關與台灣復交的相關程序;
  3. 積極支持台灣完全參與聯合國「及要求有國家身份以入會的任何國際組 織。」

美國政府目前在外交關係上,不承認五個國家:伊朗、北韓、古巴、不丹及台灣。 其中只有台灣是發展完全的民主國家。

長期支持台灣的前任科羅拉多州共和黨唐克多眾議員(Tom Tancredo, R-CO)曾在 2005年與2007年中兩度提出相似的決議案。亦為台灣強力支持者的喬治亞州共和黨 林德 眾議員(John Linder, R-GA),也於2009年未退休前提出類似提案。


台灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮讚許該提案,並表示:「此新提案反映了美國國會 中,越來越多人認同『一中政策』已漸不合時宜,並背離台灣為自由民主國家,應 被國際社會接受為其平等及完整的一員的不爭事實。」

他補充:「美國政府不願重新評估其外交政策中過時的條例,變相鼓勵了中華人民 共和國在政治上孤立民主台灣的意圖。」

他最後表示:「台灣人民在二十多年前經歷重大民主轉型,但美國的政策從未因應 該時勢而調整。美國如能採納較反應現況且實際的『一個中國、一個台灣』政 策,並將對台灣關係正常化,將為其他國家樹立良好的典範。」

Press Release from Rep. McCaul and Andrews

As U.S. and China Hold Strategic Talks, McCaul-Andrews Call for Normalized Diplomatic Relations with Taiwan

McCaul-Andrews Legislation States that Taiwan is Separate from China

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) opens in Beijing this week, Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) call on President Obama to begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan and aggressively support Taiwan’s full participation in the United Nations and other international organizations.

“Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and has been a steadfast ally of the United States and a compassionate member of the international community,” said Congressman McCaul, a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  “The people of Taiwan have never been under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China, which continues to illegitimately claim sovereignty over Taiwan.  President Obama should recognize this and support a ‘One China, One Taiwan’ policy that gives legitimacy to our Taiwanese friends and partners.”

“It is time the US government acknowledged Taiwan as the sovereign and independent state that it is, with the full diplomatic recognition that comes with that sovereignty and independence,” said Congressman Andrews.  “Throughout our history we have supported the right to self determination for sovereign peoples throughout the world; in the case of Taiwan, it is time to stand on that principle once again.”

On Monday, May 7th, Congressman McCaul and Congressman Andrews will introduce legislation that calls on the U.S. government to resume normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan.


Photo Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Flickr)