U.S. Representative Urges Secretary of HHS Tom Price to Help Taiwan Join The World Health Assembly and Visit Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 5, 2017
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representative Urges Secretary Of HHS Tom Price To Help Taiwan Join The World Health Assembly And Visit Taiwan

In a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price dated May 5, former chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, requests Secretary Price’s assistance in “ensuring that Taiwan receives an invitation from WHO to join this month’s WHA and encourage you to visit Taiwan in the near future to discuss opportunities to collaborate, to our mutual benefit, on public health protection measures.”

The Congresswoman writes: “Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Organization (WHO) threatens the international community’s full access to Taiwan’s high quality health care information. Due to its superb talent, data collection, and quarantine and treatment facilities, Taiwan has excellent infectious disease control capabilities. Its valuable information and

cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was crucial in stemming the spread of SARS 14 years ago….Taiwan’s cooperation with the WHO is crucial to helping global health services effectively battle these and other diseases.”

She continues, “As was the case with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) last year, it is likely that Taiwan will be blocked from receiving an invitation to the WHA summit. In a dangerous and shortsighted effort to constrain Taiwan, China hinders Taiwan’s participation in many international organizations, including ICAO, WHO, and INTERPOL. Taiwan’s meaningful participation in WHO is not only in the interest of Taiwan but is of critical importance to our own health care system and capability of fighting infectious diseases.”

FAPA started campaigning for WHO membership for Taiwan as early as in 1997. The campaign culminated in Taiwan’s eventual participation in the WHA in 2009. But with China ending an unofficial “diplomatic truce” with Taiwan in early 2016, Taiwan’s participation in annual meetings of UN affiliated organizations such as the WHO, ICAO and Interpol has become more and more challenging.

FAPA President Peter Chen states: “By blocking Taiwan from joining the WHO as a member and even by blocking Taiwan’s attendance to the annual weeklong WHO summit, China plays politics with the lives of the people of Taiwan. With annual outbreaks in Taiwan of misc. enteroviruses, with birdflu now again rearing its ugly head in Taiwan and with a SARS epidemic in the past, it is simply unconscionable that China continues to block Taiwan and its 23 million peace loving people from the WHO!”







Rep. Ros-Lehtinen’s Letter

May 5, 2017
The Honorable Tom Price
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC 20201

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I am writing to request your assistance in securing Taiwan’s participation at the World Health Assembly (WHA) summit to be held in Geneva from May 22 to May 31.

Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Organization (WHO) threatens the international community’s full access to Taiwan’s high quality health care information. Due to its superb talent, data collection, and quarantine and treatment facilities, Taiwan has excellent infectious disease control capabilities. Its valuable information and cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was crucial in stemming the spread of SARS 14 years ago. In February, the CDC confirmed Taiwan’s first human fatality from the H7N9 avian flu virus after earlier positive tests for a highly pathogenic avian flu virus strain. Taiwan’s cooperation with the WHO is crucial to helping global health services effectively battle these and other diseases.

As was the case with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) last year, it is likely that Taiwan will be blocked from receiving an invitation to the WHA summit. In a dangerous and shortsighted effort to constrain Taiwan, China hinders Taiwan’s participation in many international organizations, including ICAO, WHO, and INTERPOL. Taiwan’s meaningful participation in WHO is not only in the interest of Taiwan but is of critical importance to our own health care system and capability of fighting infectious diseases. I respectfully request your assistance in ensuring that Taiwan receives an invitation from WHO to join this month’s WHA and encourage you to visit Taiwan in the near future to discuss opportunities to collaborate, to our mutual benefit, on public health protection measures.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Member of Congress