U.S. Should Persuade China To Give Up Taiwan Threat, Says FAPA

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – March 14, 2006
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Should Persuade China To Give Up Taiwan Threat, Says FAPA

After one-year anniversary of the passage of the anti-secession law by the Chinese government, FAPA today calls upon the United States government to urge China to renounce the use of force against Taiwan and to firmly stand by Taiwan’s democracy.

Taiwan’s President Chen Shui-bian began his interview with the Washington Post yesterday by reminding the Post reporters and readers that China launched missiles into the waters near Taiwan ten years ago in order to deter the Taiwanese voters from going to the voting booths. Then last year around this time, Beijing intensified their intimidation towards the people of Taiwan by passing the anti-secession law, legislation to legitimize Chinese military actions against Taiwan.

FAPA President CT Lee says: “An eventual solution of the cross-strait stalemate will and should not come about after the Chinese side resorting to force. The mere existence of Taiwan’s flourishing democracy is a threat and a thorn in China’s thigh. As long as Taiwan exists independently outside the Chinese jurisdiction, China will claim its right over Taiwan’s sovereignty and will use full force if necessary. This has nothing to do with who holds office in Taiwan. The United States government should rein in China’s military ambition against Taiwan and urge China to renounce the use of force. Ballot boxes (democracy) are not threat – missiles are.”

“We also call upon the United States government to define and explain the U.S. definition of the status quo. When China, Taiwan and the U.S. itself seem to have different definitions of the status quo, how can we accurately maintain the U.S. interests in the region without laying down the rules of the game?” Lee says.

He continues: “The status quo is constantly changing. Today’s status quo is different from that of 30 years ago, or even 10 years ago. The danger and the almost impossible task of protecting the status quo is that the US is forcing itself to defend for this perpetual moving status quo.”

CT Lee concludes: “The United States was there for the people of Taiwan when they were going through their arduous struggle to achieve democracy. Yet, the people of Taiwan today are facing a more mounting challenge – China – while preserving their democratic achievements. FAPA urges the United States government to firmly stand by the people of Taiwan. Because nobody wants to see the roll back of Taiwan’s democracy. ”








Photo Credit: White House photo by Eric Draper