2016 Taiwanese American Heritage Week

Taiwanese-American Heritage Week Proclamation By Washington And Oregon

The Taipei Times reported that “Two US Pacific-coast states — Washington and Oregon — have declared that next week, from May 8 to 15, is to be celebrated as ‘Taiwanese-American Heritage Week,’ every year.” 

Fantastic work by our Oregon and Southwest Washington chapter getting multiple 2016 Taiwanese American Heritage Week proclamations! 

Oregon SWWA chapter president Anny Hsiao shared her experience with FAPA HQ:

“I was at the Portland City Hall today for the Asian American Heritage Month Proclamation. A presentation was done about Asian American demographics for the council members. Taiwanese has the third-highest population growth amongst Asian Americans in the state of Oregon from 2000-2010. I brought with me our own Taiwanese American Heritage Week proclamation and thanked the mayor personally for proclaiming this important week. In the attached photo we are holding the TAHW proclamation.

He shared with me that he has been to Taiwan twice and even gave a speech one of the visits. He loves Taiwan. I invited him personally to our event next week (as seen in the second photo, we are chatting in the hall outside the city council chambers; he is holding our FOCA flyer). Hopefully he will be able to attend as he said he is available that evening. 

I look forward to seeing our Taiwanese Community continuing to have mainstream integration and higher visibility in America. Thanks for everyone’s hard work. ” 

So did former Oregon SWWA chapter president Easton Lee shared his experience attending the Camas City Council meeting on 05/02:

“First, Mayor Scott read the content of the TAHW proclamation and signed it at that time.

Then I made a brief comment with three points (1) Taiwan shares with the US the same beliefs of freedom and democracy—for example: Taiwan elected its first female president. (2) Taiwanese American contribution — example WaferTech (TSMC subsidiary company in Camas; 1000 employees) (3) I invited the Mayor and City Council members to join the FOCA event. 

I just found out this meeting was recorded on video:

Start at 3:48 min to 9:30 min. for the TAHW event.


The meeting agenda (05/02 7:00 meeting), you will also find a reference to the TAHW (VII section).

http://www.ci.camas.wa.us/index.php/minutesagendasvid ” 

The followings are the recognition by the elected official in these areas.  

Letters (or Tweeter) from 

  • WA Senator Patty Murray 
  • WA Senator Maria Cantwell
  • OR Senator Ron Wyden 
  • WA Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Buetler
  • NY Congressman John Katko

Proclamations from:

  • Oregon
  • Portland, OR
  • Beaverton, OR
  • Washington
  • Vancouver, WA
  • Camas, WA

