2017 Taiwanese American Heritage Week

u.s. officials proclaim third week of may
astaiwanese american heritage week

Every year, the month of May is designated as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month — a month of national celebration and commemoration of the innumerable contributions that Asians and Pacific Islanders have made to American life.

1999, President Clinton dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as Taiwanese American Heritage week (TAHW). Taiwanese Americans have annually joined hands to reach out to the general American public to share their heritage since then.

President Clinton wrote in 1999: “Americans of Taiwan descent can be proud of their roots and of their vital role in the continued growth of our nation. This observance offers us an opportunity to learn more about the outstanding contributions that men and women from Taiwan have made to our nation and the world.”

FAPA came up with the idea for Taiwanese American Heritage Week, an ideal vehicle to continue educating the general American audience and the Congress — Taiwan is a sovereign independent country and not a part of China, despite China’s illegitimate and baseless claims over Taiwan.

This year, from Mother’s Day May 14 until Sunday, May 21, 2017, Taiwanese Americans all over the Union are celebrating the TAHW.
This celebration did not go unnoticed, where U.S. elected officials dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as TAHW by issuing proclamations and statements.

Among these, governor of Massachusetts Charles D. Baker wrote: “Taiwanese Americans have made enormous contributions to the diversity and prosperity of American society, consistently contributing to the promotion of democracy and security of their homeland.”

Governor of Washington State Jay Inslee wrote: “This week recognizes the long-standing friendship between the United States and Taiwan.”

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) wrote: “Year after year, the bonds between Taiwan and the Pacific Northwest grow stronger. Family ties, cultural exchanges, and tourism bind us together.”

Mayor Setti Warren of Newton, MA, and supervisor of Wappinger Falls, NY, Lori Jiava, wrote: “Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country but continues to be illegitimately claimed by the People’s Republic of China as a renegade province.”

Albany, NY mayor Kathy M. Sheehan wrote: “Taiwan and the United States share a common commitment to the ideals of democracy, freedom and human rights. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which forms the cornerstone of United States Taiwan relations together with President Reagan’s Six Assurances, continues to provide a strong foundation for the bond between the people of both countries.”

Gainesville, FL mayor Lauren Poe wrote: “The United States provides safety and security guarantees to Taiwan for the preservation of its democracy.”

The mayor of Vancouver, WA, wrote: “Because of American support, Taiwan’s voice is heard while it strives for participation in international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations.”

The mayors of Cambridge, MA, Malden, MA, Syracuse, NY and Camas, WA issued similar proclamations. And so did Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) wrote: “Every year I look forward to this week because it deepens our understanding of Taiwanese American heritage.”

FAPA President Peter Chen states: “Taiwanese Americans are proud to be citizens of this country which believes in democracy and equality. Taiwanese Americans having and celebrating their own Heritage Week reinforces the understanding among the American public that Taiwan is not part of China, and that we need to recognize the reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation that needs to be accepted by the international community as a full and equal member.”



自1999年起,柯林頓總統特別把母親節之後的一週訂定為台美傳統週(Taiwanese American Heritage Week, TAHW)。每年此時,台美人都會和美國一般大眾分享台灣的傳統。

柯林頓總統在1999年寫道:「有台灣血統的美國人應該要為自己的根,以及自己在美國這個國家發展中扮演的重要角色感到自豪。 這個紀念活動提供了我們一個機會,去了解更多台灣男女對我們國家和世界的傑出貢獻。」



例如,馬薩諸塞州州長查爾斯·貝克(Charles D. Baker) 寫道:「台美人對美國社會的多元性和繁榮作出了巨大的貢獻,持續地為促進其祖國的民主和安全作出貢獻。」

華盛頓州州長潔依∙英斯利(Jay Inslee)也寫道:「這一週體現了美國與台灣之間長久以來的友誼。」

華盛頓州聯邦參議員瑪麗亞·坎特威爾(Maria Cantwell, D-WA)說道:「年復一年,台灣與西北太平洋地區的連結愈趨堅韌。家庭關係、文化交流、觀光旅遊使我們成為更堅定的盟友。」

馬薩諸塞州牛頓市(Newton)市長塞帝•沃倫(Setti Warren)和紐約州的瓦平格爾鎮(Wappinger)鎮長羅莉·傑法(Lori Jiava)這麼寫:「台灣是個主權獨立的國家,卻不斷被中華人民共和國宣稱為其叛逃的一省。」

紐約州州首府奧爾巴尼市(Albany)市長凱西•希恩(Kathy M. Sheehan)寫道:「台灣對於民主、自由、人權價值的承諾和美國相同。台美關係的基石- 1979年通過的台灣關係法與雷根總統提出的六項保證,成為兩國人民關係的根基。」

佛羅里達州蓋恩斯維爾市(Gainesville)市長勞倫·波恩(Lauren Poe) 寫道:「美國提供台灣國家安全上的後盾,以保護台灣的民主。」


一樣來自華盛頓州的聯邦眾議員潔米·博特勒(Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-WA)也說道:「每年我都十分期待這一週,因為它加深我們對於台美傳統文化的認識。」




  • Charles D. Baker, Governor of Massachusetts
  • E. Denise Simmons, Mayor of Cambridge, MA
  • Gary Christenson, Mayor of Malden, MA
  • Setti Warren, Mayor of Newton, MA
  • Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington
  • Scott Higgins, Mayor of Camas, WA
  • Timothy D. Leavitt, Mayor of Vancouver, WA
  • Kathy M. Sheehan, Mayor of Albany, NY
  • Stephanie Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY
  • Lori Jiava, Supervisor of Wappinger Falls, NY
  • Lauren Poe, Mayor of Gainesville, FL


  • Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
  • Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA)

u.s. officials proclaim third week of may
astaiwanese american heritage week

Every year, the month of May is designated as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month — a month of national celebration and commemoration of the innumerable contributions that Asians and Pacific Islanders have made to American life.

1999, President Clinton dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as Taiwanese American Heritage week (TAHW). Taiwanese Americans have annually joined hands to reach out to the general American public to share their heritage since then.

President Clinton wrote in 1999: “Americans of Taiwan descent can be proud of their roots and of their vital role in the continued growth of our nation. This observance offers us an opportunity to learn more about the outstanding contributions that men and women from Taiwan have made to our nation and the world.”

FAPA came up with the idea for Taiwanese American Heritage Week, an ideal vehicle to continue educating the general American audience and the Congress — Taiwan is a sovereign independent country and not a part of China, despite China’s illegitimate and baseless claims over Taiwan.

This year, from Mother’s Day May 14 until Sunday, May 21, 2017, Taiwanese Americans all over the Union are celebrating the TAHW.
This celebration did not go unnoticed, where U.S. elected officials dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as TAHW by issuing proclamations and statements.

Among these, governor of Massachusetts Charles D. Baker wrote: “Taiwanese Americans have made enormous contributions to the diversity and prosperity of American society, consistently contributing to the promotion of democracy and security of their homeland.”

Governor of Washington State Jay Inslee wrote: “This week recognizes the long-standing friendship between the United States and Taiwan.”

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) wrote: “Year after year, the bonds between Taiwan and the Pacific Northwest grow stronger. Family ties, cultural exchanges, and tourism bind us together.”

Mayor Setti Warren of Newton, MA, and supervisor of Wappinger Falls, NY, Lori Jiava, wrote: “Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country but continues to be illegitimately claimed by the People’s Republic of China as a renegade province.”

Albany, NY mayor Kathy M. Sheehan wrote: “Taiwan and the United States share a common commitment to the ideals of democracy, freedom and human rights. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which forms the cornerstone of United States Taiwan relations together with President Reagan’s Six Assurances, continues to provide a strong foundation for the bond between the people of both countries.”

Gainesville, FL mayor Lauren Poe wrote: “The United States provides safety and security guarantees to Taiwan for the preservation of its democracy.”

The mayor of Vancouver, WA, wrote: “Because of American support, Taiwan’s voice is heard while it strives for participation in international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations.”

The mayors of Cambridge, MA, Malden, MA, Syracuse, NY and Camas, WA issued similar proclamations. And so did Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) wrote: “Every year I look forward to this week because it deepens our understanding of Taiwanese American heritage.”

FAPA President Peter Chen states: “Taiwanese Americans are proud to be citizens of this country which believes in democracy and equality. Taiwanese Americans having and celebrating their own Heritage Week reinforces the understanding among the American public that Taiwan is not part of China, and that we need to recognize the reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation that needs to be accepted by the international community as a full and equal member.”



自1999年起,柯林頓總統特別把母親節之後的一週訂定為台美傳統週(Taiwanese American Heritage Week, TAHW)。每年此時,台美人都會和美國一般大眾分享台灣的傳統。

柯林頓總統在1999年寫道:「有台灣血統的美國人應該要為自己的根,以及自己在美國這個國家發展中扮演的重要角色感到自豪。 這個紀念活動提供了我們一個機會,去了解更多台灣男女對我們國家和世界的傑出貢獻。」



例如,馬薩諸塞州州長查爾斯·貝克(Charles D. Baker) 寫道:「台美人對美國社會的多元性和繁榮作出了巨大的貢獻,持續地為促進其祖國的民主和安全作出貢獻。」

華盛頓州州長潔依∙英斯利(Jay Inslee)也寫道:「這一週體現了美國與台灣之間長久以來的友誼。」

華盛頓州聯邦參議員瑪麗亞·坎特威爾(Maria Cantwell, D-WA)說道:「年復一年,台灣與西北太平洋地區的連結愈趨堅韌。家庭關係、文化交流、觀光旅遊使我們成為更堅定的盟友。」

馬薩諸塞州牛頓市(Newton)市長塞帝•沃倫(Setti Warren)和紐約州的瓦平格爾鎮(Wappinger)鎮長羅莉·傑法(Lori Jiava)這麼寫:「台灣是個主權獨立的國家,卻不斷被中華人民共和國宣稱為其叛逃的一省。」

紐約州州首府奧爾巴尼市(Albany)市長凱西•希恩(Kathy M. Sheehan)寫道:「台灣對於民主、自由、人權價值的承諾和美國相同。台美關係的基石- 1979年通過的台灣關係法與雷根總統提出的六項保證,成為兩國人民關係的根基。」

佛羅里達州蓋恩斯維爾市(Gainesville)市長勞倫·波恩(Lauren Poe) 寫道:「美國提供台灣國家安全上的後盾,以保護台灣的民主。」


一樣來自華盛頓州的聯邦眾議員潔米·博特勒(Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-WA)也說道:「每年我都十分期待這一週,因為它加深我們對於台美傳統文化的認識。」




  • Charles D. Baker, Governor of Massachusetts
  • E. Denise Simmons, Mayor of Cambridge, MA
  • Gary Christenson, Mayor of Malden, MA
  • Setti Warren, Mayor of Newton, MA
  • Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington
  • Scott Higgins, Mayor of Camas, WA
  • Timothy D. Leavitt, Mayor of Vancouver, WA
  • Kathy M. Sheehan, Mayor of Albany, NY
  • Stephanie Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY
  • Lori Jiava, Supervisor of Wappinger Falls, NY
  • Lauren Poe, Mayor of Gainesville, FL


  • Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
  • Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA)