2023-1207: Most Americans Support Recognizing Taiwan; International Support for Taiwan’s Interpol Bid

Most Americans Support Recognizing Taiwan if China Invades: Survey

Nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) would support the U.S. recognizing Taiwan as an independent country to defend the nation in the event of a Chinese invasion, while a majority supported U.S. defense assistance to Taiwan, a survey released on November 30 by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute showed.

The institute’s 2023 Reagan National Defense Survey assessed Americans’ perspectives on key issues in defense, national security, and foreign policy.

72% of respondents supported the U.S. defending Taiwan by “officially recognizing Taiwan as an independent country” in the event of a Chinese invasion, the poll showed.

An increasing percentage of Americans also expressed support for sending U.S. troops to defend Taiwan if invaded: 46% in 2023, up each year from 39% in 2019. After learning more about Taiwan’s democracy and its strategic importance, 52% said they were more likely to support committing U.S. forces to Taiwan’s defense.

73% of respondents expressed concern about a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The majority also supported the U.S. to take other measures in such a situation, including imposing economic sanctions against China, moving U.S. military assets to the region, sending more military equipment to Taiwan, and establishing a no-fly zone in the area, the survey showed.

Support for U.S. security assistance to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan was 71%, 67% and 65% respectively, it showed.

To keep the peace and deter a Chinese invasion, 60% of respondents supported increasing the U.S. military presence near Taiwan, while 55% supported increasing U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.

71% were concerned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would prompt other authoritarian countries to invade their democratic neighbors, it said.

64% considered Taiwan as an ally of the U.S., while only 15% saw China as an ally and 77% saw it as an enemy, the poll showed.

Respondents said that the U.S. had superior military capabilities, diplomatic influence and economic strength than China, but Chinese artificial intelligence and cyber capabilities were seen as superior to the U.S., it showed.

A majority believed that China would gain military power and economic strength at a faster rate than the U.S. over the next decade, the survey showed.

The survey was conducted from October 27 to November 5, garnering responses from 2,506 American adults. It had a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 2%.

[1] Taipei Times: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2023/12/02/2003810010

Sixty Countries Support Taiwan’s Interpol Bid

More than 60 countries support Taiwan’s inclusion in the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said in a statement on December 4.

Support for Taiwan’s bid to join Interpol has been rising, the ministry said, although Taiwan was not invited to the 91st Interpol General Assembly held in Vienna, Austria, from November 28 to December 1.

MOFA thanked administrative and legislative branches of governments, international parliamentary groups and officials from more than 60 countries that voiced support for Taiwan’s inclusion.

More countries have come to recognize the need to include Taiwan in the global system to combat transnational crime, it said.

Seven of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies — Eswatini, Palau, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Paraguay, Belize, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Marshall Islands — spoke up for Taiwan during the Interpol General Assembly, bringing the bid to the attention of representatives from all participating countries, the ministry said.

Like-minded countries — such as the U.S., the U.K., Japan, Lithuania, France, and Australia — have issued joint statements calling for Taiwan’s inclusion in Interpol and other international organizations, MOFA said.

Support from national parliaments and interparliamentary organizations was fairly strong too, it said.

The ministry called on Interpol to uphold the principles of professionalism and neutrality, and to include Taiwan in the global law enforcement network as soon as possible.

Combating transnational crime requires global cooperation, it said, adding that Taiwan should not be excluded because of political considerations.

Taiwan joined Interpol in 1961, but was forced to withdraw in 1984 after the organization recognized the People’s Republic of China.

Taiwan’s participation has been blocked since then by a resolution passed at Interpol’s 53rd General Assembly the same year.

[1] Taipei Times: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2023/12/06/2003810218