Senate Unanimously Passes “WHO For Taiwan” Bill

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 6, 2004
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Senate Unanimously Passes “WHO For Taiwan” Bill

On May 6, 2004, the Senate unanimously passed S. 2092 authorizing the Secretary of State “to introduce a resolution in support of observer status for Taiwan at the summit of the World Health Assembly.”

At passage the bill enjoyed the co-sponsorship of the following Senators: Sen. George Allen (VA), Sen. Christopher S. Bond (MO), Sen. Saxby Chambliss (GA), Sen. Susan Collins (ME), Sen. Mike Crapo (ID), Sen. Dick Durbin (IL), Sen. Russ Feingold (WI), Sen. Jim Inhofe (OK), Sen. Tim Johnson (SD), Sen Jon Kyl (AZ), Sen. Joe Lieberman (CT), Sen. Trent Lott (MS), Sen. Jeff Sessions (AL), Sen. George Voinovich (OH).

Additionally, the bill authorizes the Secretary of State “to initiate a United States plan to endorse and obtain observer status for Taiwan at the annual week-long summit of the World Health Assembly each year in Geneva, Switzerland.”

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu states: “Given the fact that the language of S.2092 is stronger than the bill that was originally introduced in the House in February, illustrates that the Congress is getting impatient with the lackluster actions the State Department’s has taken in support of Taiwan’s WHO bid. The ball is in the State Department’s court now. Hopefully the State Department will not disappoint Congress this year again.”


Photo Credit: United States Government Work (Flickr)