A Leading Voice for Taiwan

A Leading Voice for Taiwan

FAPA’s mission is educational. The organization provides US policymakers, the media, scholars and the general public with information on issues related to Taiwan. FAPA informs and updates Members of Congress and their staff on issues regarding Taiwan. FAPA seeks to articulate the point of view of the people of Taiwan.

FAPA Vision Statement

FAPA Vision Statement

We believe a free, democratic, independent, and sovereign Taiwan is essential to peace and security for the United States, Taiwan, and the Indo-Pacific region.  

To achieve that, we organize and educate Taiwanese American communities and everyone who shares with us the values of freedom, democracy and human rights, to advocate for policies advancing closer and official US-Taiwan relations, Taiwan’s full international participation, and the recognition of Taiwan’s statehood as Taiwan based on the right to self-determination.

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Our Mission

FAPA seeks:

(1) To promote international support for the right of the people of Taiwan to establish an independent and democratic country and to join the international community;

(2) To promote relations and cooperation between Taiwan and the United States;

(3) To protect the right of self-determination for the people of Taiwan;

(4) To promote peace and security for Taiwan; and

(5) To advance the rights and interests of Taiwanese communities throughout the world.

Grassroots Advocacy

Grassroots Advocacy

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we do not fundraise for or endorse candidates or elected officials. 
However, we encourage FAPA members to be politically active, and regularly attend local town halls and events with their members of Congress to relay them the message of U.S.-Taiwan relations.

Align with American Interests

Align with American Interests

FAPA sees support for democratization in Taiwan as beneficial to American interests, since a more open society on Taiwan will help foster safety, security and peace in the Pacific Basin. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which serves as the cornerstone of US-Taiwan relations, reads: “It is the policy of the United States– to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means […] of grave concern to the United States.”

Congressional Advocacy

Congressional Advocacy

FAPA headquarters announces major US-Taiwan relations initiatives at the beginning of every year. We take the follow actions to carry out our advocacy plan:

  • Advocate and build partnerships on the Hill
  • Collect and organize petition letters
  • Draft talking points to assist advocacy work of local FAPA chapters
  • Publish electronic weekly news updates to enhance Hill staffers’ awareness of the issues in Taiwan.

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