U.S. Representative Introduces U.S.-Taiwan FTA Resolution

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 16, 2006
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representative Introduces U.S.-Taiwan FTA Resolution

Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) yesterday introduced H.Con.Res.342, calling for a free trade agreement between Taiwan and the United States. The resolution lauds Taiwan’s democratic and economic achievements and concludes: “That it is the sense of the Congress that the President should make the conclusion of a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan one of the top priorities of the United States when initiating bilateral free trade agreements with foreign countries.”

A similar resolution was introduced by Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN) and William Jefferson (D-LA) three years ago in the 108th Congress.

FAPA President C.T. Lee states: “Negotiations on free trade agreements with several Asian countries are under way, such as South Korea and Malaysia. Taiwan is not only the gateway to East Asia but also the eighth largest trading partner of the United States, ranking between South Korea and Malaysia. Taiwan is a model democracy in the region as President Bush stated when he praised Taiwan’s democratic achievements in Kyoto last November. That is why the idea of an FTA with Taiwan has already received a lot of backing from the US Congress.”

C.T. Lee continues: “A US-Taiwan FTA has economic and political advantages. The FTA will bring tremendous opportunities and commercial interests to American companies. Since China attempts to isolate Taiwan by forming ASEAN plus three, an FTA between Taiwan and the United States will help Taiwan break its international economic isolation. Additionally, once an FTA with the United States is concluded, we believe Beijing will be less likely to assume that it could take military action against the island without involving the United States.”

C.T. Lee concludes, “The US trade deficit with China again broke all records last year. Therefore, the President should adjust his current trade policy towards the region. Moving discussions on the US-Taiwan FTA forward is definitely a step in the right direction.”



美國國會在三年前也曾引進一個類似的決議案,當時是由傑弗遜(William Jefferson, D-LA)與瑞斯塔(Jim Ramstad, R-MN) 議員在眾議院共同領銜的。






Photo Credit: 冠庭(Flickr