1104: Unilateral Changes to Taiwan Status Quo, U.S. Troops in Taiwan, “Arm Taiwan Act” Introduced, U.S. Vaccine Donations to Taiwan

Blinken Warns China Against Fueling Tensions and Unilaterally Changing Status Quo Across Taiwan Strait On October 31, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken…

Continue Reading1104: Unilateral Changes to Taiwan Status Quo, U.S. Troops in Taiwan, “Arm Taiwan Act” Introduced, U.S. Vaccine Donations to Taiwan

1028: Biden on Defending Taiwan, China’s Misuse of UNGA Res 2758, Blinken’s Support for Taiwan’s U.N. Participation, Taiwan ASSURE Act

Biden Says U.S. Would Come to Taiwan’s Defense if China Attacks On October 21, President Joe Biden said the U.S. would defend Taiwan if…

Continue Reading1028: Biden on Defending Taiwan, China’s Misuse of UNGA Res 2758, Blinken’s Support for Taiwan’s U.N. Participation, Taiwan ASSURE Act

2021 National Advocacy Conference

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The three-day Conference (Sep 11-13) will discuss US-Taiwan relations, Taiwan’s international space, and other Taiwan-related issues. In the end, it will provide a chance for you to put everything you have learned into action on Capitol Hill. The Conference is an excellent opportunity to sharpen your advocacy skills for a cause dear to you.

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