WHO Act (S.812 & H.R.1145)
【Petition】The bill request the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the WHO.
【Petition】The bill request the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the WHO.
【Petition】The H.Con.Res.21 urges the U.S. to resume diplomatic relations and negotiate BTA with Taiwan. It also supports Taiwan's international participation.
【Petition】The Act will enhance Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities, improving US-Taiwan defense cooperation, and making Taiwan a “NATO Plus” country.
On April 27, an international group of lawmakers launched a campaign calling for Taiwan’s participation in next month’s World Health Assembly (WHA), warning that Taiwan’s continued exclusion creates “a dangerous gap” in the global health network.
【Online Event】During our May 15 event we will hear from Congressional staff and Taiwan specialists about the bills, and why their content is important for Taiwan and for Taiwanese Americans. We will especially zero in on S811 - the Taiwan Fellowship Act, HCR21 calling for U.S.-Taiwan diplomatic relations, and HR2103 which designates Taiwan as a NATO PLUS member.
【Online Event】5月8日,FAPA OH-C分會邀請總體經濟學家吳嘉隆,為我們講解美中關係的新變局與對地緣政治及台灣的影響。吳嘉隆是美國紐約哥倫比亞大學經濟學博士候選人,也是現任財訊雙週刊專欄作家與各大電視節目邀請的主講嘉賓。
【Online Event】台灣的國際空間近年來有許多的轉變與發展,去年起更因為台灣的數位整合和防疫成果,讓台灣的民主價值和數位軟實力再度被國際看見。身在美國的我們要如何運用這波潮流一起拉近台美關係呢?歡迎報名FAPA Speech Tour與數位政委唐鳳一起來討論和交流!
Taiwan International Solidarity Act Introduced in the House to Counter China’s Attempts to Isolate Taiwan On April 19, the bipartisan “Taiwan…
【Online Event】王定宇自2016年起擔任台南立委,同時也是前立法院外交國防委員會召委及現任成員,更是FAPA第一屆Emerging Leaders。在他擔任立委期間,是促成實踐蔡政府國防軍事政策的重要人物。歡迎報名參加這場活動,一起聆聽王委員對美台關係的見解!