近十年來,FAPA也成功推行許多令人振奮的成果。2016年參眾兩院無異議通過的六項保證共同決議案便是其中之一。今年三月通過的台灣旅行法,實際上也是FAPA近二十年來第三次倡議的相關法案。而在今年六月眾議員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)提出的台美建交決議案,也為台美關係建立一個新的里程碑。
近十年來,FAPA也成功推行許多令人振奮的成果。2016年參眾兩院無異議通過的六項保證共同決議案便是其中之一。今年三月通過的台灣旅行法,實際上也是FAPA近二十年來第三次倡議的相關法案。而在今年六月眾議員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)提出的台美建交決議案,也為台美關係建立一個新的里程碑。
ALTERING THE STATUS QUO IN THE TAIWAN STRAIT The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines “status quo” as “the existing state of affairs.”…
The time is now for US President Donald Trump, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Mattis and other US officials to read the Chinese the riot act when it comes to the “status quo” in the Taiwan Strait.
美國總統川普、國務卿龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo)、國防部長馬提斯應嚴厲斥責,不應再縱容中國顛覆台海現狀的種種挑釁行為。 現在是美國放下任何顧忌,公開譴責中國的時機。
On Wednesday, June 20, United States Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), introduced a resolution (H.Con.Res.124) in the U.S. House of Representatives, calling on the United States government to resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan and to abolish the U.S. One China Policy.
Such dual diplomatic recognition by the Holy See of Taipei and Beijing would entail embracing Chinese Catholics and not abandoning the 23 million Taiwanese, and would be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between Taiwan and China.
In a move to showcase the newly enacted Taiwan Travel Act, Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) urged National Security Adviser John Bolton to attend the opening of the new American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) building in Taipei on June 12, 2018