Taiwanese Americans Express Solidarity With The “Wild Strawberries” Students, Urging The Ma Ying-jeou Government To Heed International Concern

For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC – December 15, 2008Contact: (202) 547-3686 Taiwanese Americans Express Solidarity With The “Wild Strawberries” Students, Urging The Ma…

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Taiwanese American Organizations Express Solidarity With The People Of Taiwan; Condemn The Ma Administration’s Trampling On Taiwan’s Sovereignty, Human Rights And Freedom

For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC – November 7, 2008Contact: (202) 547-3686 Taiwanese American Organizations Express Solidarity With The People Of Taiwan; Condemn…

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US, European and Australian scholars and writers express concern about prosecutions in Taiwan

For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC – November 4, 2008Contact: (202) 547-3686 二十位國際學者與友人聯署發表聲明,憂心台灣司法不公 二十位國際學者與關心台灣的國際友人於今日發表聯署聲明,就近日一連串台灣政府不符合司法程序,收押與起訴民進黨政府官員的舉動,表示高度關心與憂心。這份共同聲明也於今日寄送司法院院長賴英照與法務部部長王清峰。 這是國民黨政府一系列大動作收押民進黨政府官員以來,國際學者首度發表公開聲明,呼籲台灣司法維持中立,勿受政治影響,以確保台灣民主與人權。 JOINT STATEMENT US, European and Australian scholars and…

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State Department Emphasizes “Taiwan” As Correct Name In U.S. Passports And Certificates Of Naturalization — “ROC”, “PRC” Or “Taiwan, China” Not Allowed

For Immediate ReleaseWashington DC – September 8, 2008Contact: (202) 547-3686 State Department Emphasizes "Taiwan" As Correct Name In U.S. Passports And…

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