Taiwanese-Americans In Hawaii To Demonstrate For International Recognition

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – November 10, 2011
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwanese-Americans In Hawaii To Demonstrate For International Recognition

Keep Taiwan free and democratic and give it international space

The Taiwanese-American community in Hawaii announced today that during the upcoming APEC meeting in Hawaii, which starts on November 12th,  they will demonstrate in support of their homeland.

Hawaii FAPA Chapter President Dr. Lin Yu-chong, stated that “Taiwan has been considered a second-class member of the international community for too long.  It is a member of APEC, but Taiwan’s level of representation is not on par with that of the other APEC members.  This is unfair and it needs to change. After all Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country; just like the other APEC members,” he said.

Dr. Lin stated that the international community should not give in to the pressure from a repressive and undemocratic China, which wants to isolate Taiwan.  He said that the US and other democratic nations should stand by the principles of human rights and democracy, and work towards normal relations with Taiwan, which has achieved a vibrant democracy.

He added that the Taiwanese-American community is also concerned about the erosion of democracy and justice in Taiwan.  He said this was due to the increasing shadow of China over the island, made possible by the drift to China precipitated by the present government of President Ma Ying-jeou.

Dr. Lin concluded that the people of Taiwan have fought long and hard for their democracy, and said that the international community should embrace this democratic nation in their midst, and normalize relations with a free and democratic Taiwan instead of letting it dangle in international diplomatic isolation.

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) is a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization with 52 chapters across the United States.  It works with the US Congress in support of a free and democratic Taiwan.