Taiwan’s History and Status: Taiwan Has Never Been a Part of China

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To correct some popular misunderstandings and to more effectively counter the PRC’s disinformation on Taiwan’s history and status, this article argues that: (1) Historically speaking, Taiwan has never been a part of “China”; and (2) legally speaking, both the Republic of China (ROC; 1912–1949) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC; 1949–present) have never acquired territorial sovereignty over Taiwan.

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2023-1116: Biden Stresses Taiwan Strait Peace and “Status Quo” at Xi Meeting; U.S.-Taiwan Diplomatic Ties Resolution; Taiwan’s APEC Envoy Arrives in U.S.

Biden Stresses U.S. Support for Cross-Taiwan Strait Peace and “Status Quo” in Meeting with Xi Taiwan’s government on November 16 thanked…

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2023-1102: Resolution Calling for Taiwan’s Full Participation in APEC; Ex-Pentagon Official Urges U.S. Support for Taiwan; U.S., Canadian Warships Transit Taiwan Strait

Inviting Taiwan’s President to the Upcoming APEC Summit in San Francisco –Rep. Lance Gooden’s H.Con.Res.71 U.S. Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) is seeking…

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2023-1026: “What US Should Do about Taiwan” (FAPA’s Op-Ed); Taiwan Relations Reinforcement Act; President Tsai Praises “Six Assurances”

FAPA President’s Op-Ed: “What US Should Do about Taiwan” In a Taipei Times op-ed dated October 26, FAPA President Minze Chien…

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What US Should Do about Taiwan

  • Post category:Op-Ed

To more effectively deter China’s forcible annexation of Taiwan, the US president or the secretary of state should visit and conclude a joint communique or a statement with Taiwan to support Taiwanese’s right to self-determination, make it clear that Taiwan is not part of China, and pledge that US forces would defend the nation from a Chinese attack. Moreover, the US, as the leading democratic country, should diplomatically recognize Taiwan’s true “status quo” as an independent, sovereign country.

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