華府接受柯P? 事實恐非如此


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‘One China’ Principle is Malicious

China’s “one China” principle is evil. It needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history now. With the new US Congress in place, the time is now for the US to challenge China’s “one China” principle.”

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FAPA’s Monumental Achievements

I was lucky enough to spend my summer with the association experiencing the dynamics of the US capital. I met many inspiring people who are active and eminent in their fields. All of us were here for the same reason — to stand in solidarity with the unrelenting people of Taiwan.

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Name change could be inspiring

It is time that the US started adhering to reality by changing TECRO to a name that is consistent with US policy: the Taiwan Representative Office. It would set an inspiring precedent for other countries to emulate.

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近十年來,FAPA也成功推行許多令人振奮的成果。2016年參眾兩院無異議通過的六項保證共同決議案便是其中之一。今年三月通過的台灣旅行法,實際上也是FAPA近二十年來第三次倡議的相關法案。而在今年六月眾議員羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)提出的台美建交決議案,也為台美關係建立一個新的里程碑。

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