FAPA Calls On President Trump to Reverse Clinton’s Three No’s Policy on Taiwan’s International Participation

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – April 15, 2020
Contact: (202) 547-3686

FAPA Calls On President Trump to Reverse Clinton’s Three No’s Policy on Taiwan’s International Participation

On April 15, the Presidents of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) and the North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) sent a joint letter to President Trump to urge the Administration to reverse Bill Clinton’s Three No’s policy on Taiwan’s international participation.
The letter first lauds the Trump Administration’s keen awareness of World Health Organization’s (WHO) failure containing the coronavirus outbreak, as well as their decision to review and adjust U.S. policy towards the global health body. The two organizations encourage that, as a part of the policy review process, the Administration should consider reversing Clinton’s Three No’s policy and supporting Taiwan’s full membership in the WHO.
The letter asserts that current U.S. policy of only advocating for Taiwan’s observer status in the WHO is a legacy of Bill Clinton’s Three No’s, which does not support Taiwan’s membership in any organization for which statehood is a requirement.

The two organizations appeal to President Trump: “As an Administration that constantly seeks to move past Taiwan policy to the right track, this important initiative should not be left behind.” To support the argument, the letter details Taiwan’s contributions to the WHO and America during the coronavirus outbreak, including the 2.4 million medical face masks that have been donated to the U.S. thus far.
Noticing some policy discussions in Washington DC, the letter concludes: “Should the United States establish a parallel global health institution, we encourage you to include Taiwan as a founding member of this new organization.”
FAPA President Dr. Minze Chien states: “This letter with the North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) shows that the Taiwanese-American community seeks to be a force of change in the U.S. policy-making process towards Taiwan. FAPA will continue to challenge U.S. self-imposed policy as practiced in the past decades towards gradually normalizing US-Taiwan relations.”


台灣人公共事務會(FAPA) ​以及北美洲台灣人醫師協會會長於四月十五日簽署一封致函給川普總統的聯名信,呼籲其改變柯林頓總統「三不政策」中的台灣國際參與方針。

Full Text of the Letter


Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Asndrea Hanks