Members Of Congress Challenge Bush Administration’s Objection Against Taiwan’s UN Referendum Plan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – December 20, 2007
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Members Of Congress Challenge Bush Administration’s Objection Against Taiwan’s UN Referendum Plan

On December 19, two House Foreign Affairs Committee members, Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Tom Tancredo (R-CO) wrote to Secretary Rice, expressing their utmost displeasure at the Administration’s continued public criticism on Taiwan’s UN referendum plan next March. “The people of Taiwan have earned their right to conduct their elections without coercion from our government, the government of the People’s Republic of China, or anyone else – and we should respect their right to do so”, the letter concludes.

This letter is yet the strongest rebuke from Congress against the Administration on the referendum issue. The Congressmen listed every statement by the Administration and are deeply concerned over the Administration’s actions.  They wrote, “One or two public statements would be quite sufficient to convey the Administrations position…..It is not necessary to continue dispatching an endless parade of U.S. officials to denounce and attack a proposal over a six month stretch while parroting the terminology used by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.”

FAPA Executive Director Wen-yen Chen says, “This letter by these two long-time Taiwan’s ardent supporters expressed the exact sentiment of many in Taiwan and here in the United States. As a US-based organization that advocates for Taiwan in the international community, we are dismayed, frustrated and disappointed at the U.S. Administration’s opposition to the UN referendum.”

Chen continues, “When the U.S. is championing democracy and freedom to take hold in Iraq, Burma, Russia and other corners of the world, and when President Bush himself urged China to emulate Taiwan for Taiwan’s impressive democratic achievements, it is the greatest irony that the Bush Administration has decided to oppose Taiwan’s UN plan simply to appease the Beijing regime.”






Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore (Flickr)