U.S. Congress Calls For International Observer Delegations To Taiwan For March 2008 Elections

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – December 19, 2007
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Congress Calls For International Observer Delegations To Taiwan For March 2008 Elections

The day Congress adjourns for the rest of the year, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) and ranking member on the Committee Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) introduced a resolution this evening encouraging international delegations to observe the March 2008 presidential elections in Taiwan. The resolution aims to recognize and support Taiwan’s democratic achievements.

In the resolution the Representatives applaud Taiwan’s democratic achievements and laud its routinely held fair and free elections in a multiparty system. The resolution concludes: “the United States Government should reaffirm its unwavering commitment to Taiwan’s democracy and security and international delegations should be encouraged to visit Taiwan for the purpose of witnessing the presidential elections in March 2008.”

FAPA Executive Director Wen-yen Chen, PhD states: “When we look around the world, many emerging democracies like Ukraine, Georgia and others have encountered setbacks in consolidating their democracies. Their economic performances are also much weaker than Taiwan’s. Chairman Lantos and ranking member Ros-Lehtinen are both long-time Taiwan observers and supporters. They understand the upcoming March elections are critical to Taiwan’s continued development into a full-fledged independent democracy. Especially the presidential elections will coincide with the important United Nations referendum. They appreciate the merits of congressional and international delegations during a critical election. The delegations will not only have the opportunity to observe “democracy in action”, it will also be the best medium for showcasing Taiwan’s impressive political and economic achievements in the international community.”

Photo Credit: US Congress (Wikimedia Commons)