Representatives Urge President Bush To Support Taiwan Referendum

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – March 19, 2008
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Representatives Urge President Bush To Support Taiwan Referendum

On March 19, 2008, Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ), Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), John Linder (R-GA) and Scott Garrett (R-NJ) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stating: “On March 22 Taiwan will hold a referendum on whether to join the United Nations under the name “Taiwan.” We strongly urge the United States to support the referendum.”

The Members continue: “The Taiwanese people have the right, as all people do, to self determination.” And  “For too long Taiwan has stood its ground as a bulwark of democracy against the encroaching aspirations of an authoritarian communist regime.  We should not condemn or oppose the dreams of those who want only to remain free and take their place in the international community.”

They conclude: ” I hope that you will support democracy in Taiwan by SUPPORTING the Taiwanese people on the eve of their referendum.”  (Note: Capitals)

FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD, states: “The weakness of U.S. policy versus China is that we abandon our principles for economic benefits. Our foreign policy must not be based on trying to avoid making China angry. That would be tantamount to giving them veto power over our actions. The U.S. should encourage Taiwan’s referendum.”

Dr. Yang concludes: “The people of Taiwan should be proud that they are able to vote! We therefore urge all Taiwanese to go out and vote on the 22nd.”

Photo Credit: White House photo by Eric Draper