U.S. Representative Urges DOD To Sell Aegis To Taiwan In Light Of China’s Anti Secession Law Plans

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 25, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representative Urges DOD To Sell Aegis To Taiwan In Light Of China’s Anti Secession Law Plans

In a letter dated February 25, Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) urges the US Department of Defense to voice its sell Aegis to Taiwan in light of China’s recent announcements of its intentions to pass an anti-secession law.

Rep. Andrews writes: “The sale of AEGIS to Taiwan would send a clear and direct message to China, showing that the United States will back the democratic nation and will not accept any type of military action as a form of resolution between the two countries. I believe that this action can, and will, be seen by China as a directive that it approach Taiwan in a civil and non-threatening manner.”

The Congressman adds: “The United States has, through passage of the Taiwan Relations Act, pledged to protect Taiwan from any threat of force, and advocate for the self-determination of its people. The sale of the AEGIS missile defense system is clearly in line with this pledge, and therefore should be pursued as soon as possible.”

He concludes: “I ask that you […] advise of any steps that have been taken to advance this crucial sale.”

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D. states: “Obviously, the recent announcements by the PRC that it will enact its Anti-Secession Law at the beginning of March has made people think about how to best safeguard Taiwan’s freedom and democracy. Momentum for the Anti “Anti Secession Law” continuous to grow. This latest letter is but a manifestation of this movement.”

Wu adds: “ If there is any time that Taiwan needs to show to the United States that it is willing to contribute to Taiwan’s defense, the time is now. We therefore hope and expect that the Legislative Yuan will soon pass its special arms budget.”








Photo Credit: DoD Official Website