Taiwan Caucus Co-Chairs Express “Deep Concern” About Chinese Anti-Secession Law

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 17, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwan Caucus Co-Chairs Express “Deep Concern” About Chinese Anti-Secession Law

In a letter to the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China dated February 17, the four co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives express their “deep concern” about the PRC’s Anti-Secession Law plans. Co-chairs Robert Wexler, Steve Chabot, Sherrod Brown and Dana Rohrabacher write: “[…] we are deeply concerned that your government is planning to enact an “Anti-secession law” at the third session of the 10th National People’s Congress, slated for March 5.”

The letter continues: “We urge you to carefully consider the potential negative effects of the pending anti-secession law. We are also concerned that if the law is a direct threat to the security of Taiwan that a series of escalating countermeasures across the straits will ensue.”

In a related development, Rep. Jeff Miller (D-FL) introduced H. Con. Res. 76 on February 17, shortly after Rep. Chabot introduced H. Con. Res 70, concluding that it is the sense of Congress that “the government of the United States should urge the Government of the People’s Republic of China in the strongest possible terms not to enact into law the so-called “Anti-secession” legislation or any other legislation that threatens Taiwan or in any other way jeopardizes peace between China and Taiwan.”

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu, Ph,.D. states: “This latest series of actions by the U.S. Congress reaffirms that the Chinese Anti-Secession Law has obviously unnerved Members of Congress who see enactment of this law as a threat to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, to the stability in the region and to Taiwan’s security. Its enactment would irreversibly compromise U.S. national interests in the Taiwan Strait.”

Wu continues: “The Law contradicts everything the U.S. stands for. That is why Members of Congress have issued numerous statements, introduced several pieces of legislation and written several letters from the highest level in Congress to the National People’s Congress. And all this within the time span of one week. China should be able to take the hint by now.”


四位台灣連線的共同主席(Robert Wexler, Steve Chabot, Sherrod Brown and Dana Rohrabacher)在信中表示:「我們對於貴政府目前預計在三月五日,第十屆人大委員會上執行反分裂國家法一事,深表關切。」接著,四位主席表示:「我們籲請您慎重考慮這個反分裂國家法可能帶來的負面影響。我們也非常關心這個法律是否會對台灣安全直接造成威脅,那樣的話,一系列升高兩岸情勢的措施將因而產生。」

繼昨日夏波(Steve Chabot, R-OH)眾議員引進第70號決議案,四位台灣連線主席致吳邦國聯署信函外,眾議員米勒(Jeff Miller, R-FL) 也在昨日引進第76號決議案,強烈要求中國不要執行反分裂國家法。米勒議員在這個措詞強烈的決議案裡表示,中國的反分裂國家法企圖將中國宣稱擁有對民主的台灣的主權合法化,此法也將摧毀台灣與中國展開和平談判的希望。決議案最後表示「美國政府應該強烈呼籲中國政府不要執行這個所謂的反分裂國家法,或是其他任何威脅台灣、有損兩岸和平的法律。」




Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore (Flickr)