Thirty-Eight Senators Write Powell – “Publicly Endorse Taiwan’s WHO Observership”

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 10, 2002
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Thirty-Eight Senators Write Powell – “Publicly Endorse Taiwan’s WHO Observership”

Thirty-eight Senators sent Secretary of State Colin Powell a letter last night requesting him to “publicly endorse Taiwan’s observership in the WHO” and to have the United States “actively encourage other WHO member states to support observership for Taiwan.”

Noting their disappointment that a State Department plan, authorized by PL 107-158, “does not more clearly articulate a plan aimed at” increasing Taiwan’s participation in the WHO, the Senators state their belief that “the people of Taiwan deserve access to the highest standards of health information and services.” They also declare that, “given the growing threat of bioterrorism, it is imperative that vital information can be made universally available.”

“We see no reason why Taiwan should continue to be excluded from having the same benefits as non-state entities (such as the Palestinian Authority) with observer status in the WHO,” the Senators conclude.

“We believe that it is important for the United States to take the lead on this issue, affirming the principle that healthcare is a basic right for every individual. As such, we urge the Administration to take a more vigorous, concrete approach to supporting observer status for Taiwan,” the Senators declare as a preface to asking Secretary Powell to speak publicly to this issue.

“Both the House and Senate have sent strong, bipartisan letters to the Bush Administration asking that the President speak out forcefully on Taiwan’s observer status in the WHO,” stated FAPA President Wu Ming-chi. “The time is now for such action!


民主黨的托里西利(Robert Torricelli, D-NJ) 及共和黨的凱爾(Jon Kyl, R-AZ) 參議員,於五月一號共同帶領三十八位美參議員,聯署致函國務卿鮑威爾,籲請他公開表示支持台灣以觀察員身份參與今年的WHA,並希望美國積極鼓勵其他WHO會員國支持台灣以觀察員身份參與今年的WHA。




Photo Credit: United States Government Work (Flickr)