For Immediate Release
Washington DC – September 10, 2024
Contact: (202)547-3686
From September 7 to 9, 2024, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) successfully held its annual National Advocacy Conference (NAC), a three-day conference in Washington, D.C., that allowed FAPA members to learn about grassroots advocacy strategies, U.S.-Taiwan policy, and FAPA’s issues of concern. After the two-day workshop, participants applied the knowledge and skills they acquired to advocate for important pro-Taiwan bills ― such as the Taiwan International Solidarity Act, the TAIWAN Security Act, and the Taiwan Representative Office Act ― on Capitol Hill on Monday, September 9.
More than 80 FAPA members from across the U.S. came together for a meaningful experience, united by their passion for Taiwan’s independent sovereignty, freedom, democracy, and its international status, participation, and recognition.
FAPA was honored to have Mr. Michael Fonte, the former Director of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Mission in the U.S., as our keynote speaker to provide the opening speech. His speech, titled “Taiwanese Fight for a Gold Medal,” highlighted his 40 years of experience working for Taiwan in Washington, D.C. He shared key moments in the history of U.S.-Taiwan relations and his work experiences with FAPA.
To honor Mr. Fonte for his lifelong service to Taiwan, FAPA President Dr. Su-Mei Kao presented him with the “FAPA Legend Award.” Only five other individuals had previously received this prestigious award, including the second FAPA President Dr. Mark Chen (Chen Tan-Sun); Dr. Lee Hwalin, the founder and long-time manager of the FAPA “Taiwan Democracy and Freedom Fund”; former U.S. Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH), who strongly supported Taiwan and sponsored the Taiwan Travel Act; Dr. John Hsieh, long-time and former FAPA TX-N President; and Mr. Coen Blaauw, who recently retired after 35 years of service to FAPA/FAPR.
We were also honored to have U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) and the Director of the DPP Mission in the U.S. Iris Shaw deliver their remarks in person. U.S. Reps. Young Kim (D-CA) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), as well as Taiwan’s Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim, a former FAPA intern, delivered video messages. They warmly welcomed our NAC attendees, praised FAPA’s advocacy for Taiwan, and highlighted Taiwan’s importance to the U.S. and the global community in security, economic stability, and democratic values. Their remarks reinforced the critical need for continued support and advocacy for Taiwan.
NAC participants had a fruitful weekend here in the U.S. national capital. On Sunday, we hosted guest speakers such as Ben Lewis, Co-Founder of PLA Tracker; Dr. Robert Wang, a senior associate with the Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and former deputy director of the American Institute in Taiwan; and Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh, a tenured professor and Chair of International Studies and Modern Languages, Political Science at the University of St. Thomas. We also hosted a panel discussion with Congressional aides and conducted mock Congressional meetings led by FAPA headquarters staff.
On Monday (September 9), all NAC attendees travelled together to Capitol Hill to have meetings with Congressional members and aides. This immersive experience provided participants with valuable insights into the legislative process and the opportunity to advocate directly for Taiwan at U.S. Congress, urging members of Congress to support and pass crucial pro-Taiwan bills, including the Taiwan International Solidarity Act, the TAIWAN Security Act, a bill with double taxation relief for Taiwan, the Taiwan Representative Office Act, the Taiwan Allies Fund Act, the Taiwan Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act, and a resolution calling for U.S.-Taiwan diplomatic relations.
FAPA 成功舉辦 2024 全國倡議大會
2024 年 9 月 7 日至 9 日,台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)在美國華盛頓特區成功舉辦為期三天的年度全國倡議大會(NAC)。與會的 FAPA 會員學習了有關草根倡議策略、美台政策、以及 FAPA 的關注法案與議題。在為期兩天的研討會之後,與會者在 9 月 9 日(星期一)前往國會山莊,運用所學習的倡議知識與技能,積極爭取美國國會議員們支持並通過《台灣國際團結法》、《台灣安全法》及《台灣代表處法》等友台法案。
來自美國各地的 80 多名 FAPA 會員齊聚一堂,共同參與這意義非凡的倡議大會。他們熱愛台灣的獨立主權、自由與民主,促進台灣的國際地位、參與及承認,並為此而團結一致。
FAPA很榮幸邀請到民進黨前駐美代表處主任彭光理(Michael Fonte)先生擔任 NAC 開幕晚宴的主講嘉賓。他的演講題目為「台灣人為金牌而戰」(Taiwanese Fight for a Gold Medal),重點介紹了他在華府為台灣奮戰 40 年的工作經驗,並分享美台關係歷史上的關鍵時刻以及他在 FAPA 的經歷。
為了表彰彭光理對台灣的終身付出與貢獻,FAPA 總會長林素梅(Su-Mei Kao)博士向他頒發了「FAPA 傳奇人物獎」(FAPA Legend Award)。在他之前僅有其他五人獲頒此極具殊榮的獎項,包括 FAPA 第二任總會長陳唐山(Mark Chen)博士;FAPA「台灣民主自由基金」的創立者兼長期經理人李華林(Lee Hwalin)博士;強力挺台並提案《台灣旅行法》的前美國聯邦眾議員夏波(Steve Chabot, R-OH)先生;曾經長期擔任 FAPA TX-N 會長一職的謝慶鏘(John Hsieh)博士;以及曾為 FAPA/FAPR 服務長達 35 年而於最近退休的昆布勞(Coen Blaauw)先生。
我們也很榮幸地邀請到美國聯邦眾議員薛曼(Brad Sherman, D-CA)以及民進黨駐美代表處主任蕭舜文(Iris Shaw)親自到場致詞。美國眾議員金映玉(Young Kim, D-CA)及眾議員克利什納穆希(Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-IL),以及曾是 FAPA 實習生的台灣副總統蕭美琴,則透過預錄影片致詞。他們熱烈歡迎 NAC 的與會者,讚揚 FAPA 為台灣倡議及發聲的長期努力,並強調台灣在安全、經濟穩定和民主價值觀等方面對美國和國際社會的重要性。他們的談話一致重申,持續支持及倡議台灣的確切需要。
NAC 的與會者在美國首府度過一個充實的週末。我們在週日邀請多位演講嘉賓,例如追蹤中國解放軍動態的 PLA Tracker 共同創辦人路易斯(Ben Lewis)先生;戰略暨國際研究中心(CSIS)亞洲專案高級研究員、前美國在台協會(AIT)副處長王曉岷(Robert Wang)博士;美國聖湯瑪斯大學國際研究講座教授、國際研究與當代語言學系及政治系終身教授兼系主任葉耀元(Yao-Yuan Yeh)博士。我們也邀請到美國國會助理來一起進行小組討論,並舉辦由 FAPA 總部員工主持的模擬國會辦公室拜訪會議。
週一(9 月 9 日),所有 NAC 與會者一同前往國會山莊,與美國國會議員及助理進行多場拜訪會談。此種親身經歷將為與會者提供對立法過程的寶貴理解,並有機會在美國國會為台灣直接發聲與倡議,敦促美國國會議員支持並通過《台灣國際團結法》、《台灣安全法》、避免美台雙重課稅之包裹法案、《台灣代表處法》、《台灣盟友基金法》、《台灣民主防衛租借法案》以及「台美建交決議案」等重要友台立法。
Photo credits: 心愛台灣, FAPA HQ