坎貝爾的弦外之音:尊重台灣人自決權 實質維護台獨現狀


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Furthering Taiwan-US Military Ties

The Taiwan-US defense relationship is a cornerstone of the partnership between the two nations, and plays a crucial role in ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region at large.

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Update to aging TRA long overdue

By enacting a “TRA 2.0,” the US would reaffirm Taiwan’s dedication to democracy, and announce to the world that Taiwan has the right to exist and must be free from outside intimidation and interference.

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A Taiwan-US FTA is a win-win

An FTA would only come into effect after being approved by both houses of the US Congress and signed into law by the US president. It would be an official nation-to-nation agreement concluded by the US and Taiwan governments, giving it the force of a treaty under international law. The Taiwan government should strive to reach a Taiwan-US FTA that would serve both nations’ economic and strategic interests, and upgrade Taiwan’s international status.

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台美FTA 有助台灣地位提升


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US should confirm the AIT director

Facing growing Chinese diplomatic assertiveness and military aggressiveness against Taiwan, the Senate should retake its central role in selecting the US’ top diplomat in Taiwan.

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