Colombian Taiwan Caucus Reaches Out to US Congressional Taiwan Caucus

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – August 6, 2004
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Colombian Taiwan Caucus Reaches Out to US Congressional Taiwan Caucus

On July 29, 2004, Senator Jairo Clopatofsky Ghisays of the Congress of the Republic of Colombia wrote to the United States Congressional Taiwan Caucus (CTC) and the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) to request assistance and support for their own Taiwan Caucus, La Sociedad Colombiana Parlamentaria de Amigos de ROC Taiwan (SOCOPARLAM), on how to best enhance Colombia-Taiwan relationship.

According to this letter addressed to FAPA, SOCOPARLAM, established in May 2003, has recently sponsored a bill to “improve the current status of the Government officials of the ROC Taiwan in Colombia and to facilitate the mechanisms for commercial and trade exchange and the cooperation programs.” It was signed by eighteen Colombian Members of Congress, both in the Senate and the House.

SOCOPARLAM appears very much in line with the U.S. Congressional efforts in supporting Taiwan. For example, SOCOPARLAM believes in Taiwan’s participations in the World Health Organization. The caucus writes, “we have permanently supported ROC Taiwan in the political topics, like holding up the WHO-World Health Organization; or like in the different aspects or topics that are attached to the UN- United Nations Organization, toward the topic of ROC Taiwan.” Taiwan’s security is also in SOCOPARLAM’s top agenda, “particularly our position against the attack and fight of the Chinese communists over the Taiwanese people,” the letter states.

Ming-Chi Wu, Ph.D. President of FAPA, states that “SOCOPARLAM might prove to be another effective instrument to boost the visibility of Taiwan and its international status. We are excited that SOCOPARLAM seeks to be more active in supporting Taiwan by reaching out to similar organizations.”

Wu continues, “The relationship between SOCOPARLAM and the CTC will provide a fine communication channel that will allow the aspirations of the Taiwanese people to have an even clearer, louder voice not just in the United States or Colombia, but around the world. Establishment of like-minded Taiwan caucuses in other countries would increase international support for Taiwan. Planting such seeds in Parliaments around the globe will prove to be useful and effective.”


哥倫比亞國會參議員,同時也是哥國國會台灣連線的主席Jairo Clopatofsky Ghisays,於2004年7月29日致函美國國會台灣連線(Congressional Taiwan Caucus)以及「台灣人公共事務會」(FAPA)尋求其對於哥國國會「台灣連線」(SOCOPARLAM)之協助與支持,並期望能夠進一步提升台哥兩國的外交關係。

參議員Jairo Clopatofsky Ghisays在此封給予FAPA的來函中提及,SOCOPARLAM乃成立於2003年5月。該連線近來在哥國國會裡引進一個支持台灣的相關法案,旨在「提升台灣政府官員在哥國的地位,以及促進台哥兩國商業合作與貿易交流。」據瞭解,此法案是由18位哥國國會成員聯合支持,其中包括9位參議員以及9位眾議員。

正如同美國國會台灣連線一般,哥國國會台灣連線長期以來在其國會中亦不遺餘力的表達對台灣的支持。舉例而言,該連線對於台灣爭取加入世界衛生組織一事深表贊同。參議員Jairo Clopatofsky Ghisays的信函中明確指出:「我們永遠會在相關的政治議題上支持台灣,不論是支持台灣加入世界衛生組織,或是其他在聯合國中所涵蓋、討論到的台灣議題。」此外,台灣安全也是哥國國會台灣連線成員關注的議題之一。信中提到,「我們尤其反對中國共產黨對台灣人民的武力攻擊與威嚇。」



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