Congressional Taiwan Caucus Chairs Urge Outgoing WHO Chief Brundtland To Support Taiwan In Geneva Next Week

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 2, 2003
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Congressional Taiwan Caucus Chairs Urge Outgoing WHO Chief Brundtland To Support Taiwan In Geneva Next Week

In a May 4, 2002 letter to WHO Director General Gro Harlem Brundtland, Congressional Taiwan Caucus co-chairs Reps. Robert Wexler, Steve Chabot, Sherrod Brown and Dana Rohrabacher urged the Director General “to speak out in favor of Taiwan’s observer status in the WHO on the floor of the assembly this coming May.”

The co-chairs write: “We realize that your term as Director General of the WHO will end after the Geneva summit. We know that Taiwanese around the world, and my Taiwanese American constituents will be very grateful if you were to speak out in favor of Taiwan’s observer status in the WHO on the floor of the assembly this coming May.”

In the letter, the co-chairs laud the accomplishments of Taiwan in the battle against SARS: “Taiwan has donated NT$200 million (US$5.75 million) to finance a cross-border research project on SARS to cooperate with the mainland and Hong Kong — the two hardest-hit areas by the SARS epidemic — in combating the deadly disease.

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D., states: “With the WHO summit coming up this month, the letter is very timely. Now that Director General Brundtland is on her way out, she would show great courage if she would express support for Taiwan’s observer status in the WHO when she pulls the door behind her. With the current SARS crisis, Taiwan’s lack of membership in the WHO is an outrage.”

Wu continues: “It is clear that Taiwan takes the high road in this battle against SARS. With it donation of millions of dollars to SARS research to cooperate with the PRC and Hong Kong, it clearly demonstrates that it puts human lives above politics. We urge the PRC to do the same, and support Taiwan’s observer status in the WHO.”







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