Congressional Taiwan Caucus Introduces Resolutions To Reaffirm The U.S. Commitment To The TRA

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – March 25, 2003
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Congressional Taiwan Caucus Introduces Resolutions To Reaffirm The U.S. Commitment To The TRA

A House resolution introduced today by the four co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus commemorates the 24th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which “has been instrumental in maintaining peace, security, and stability in the Taiwan Strait since its enactment” and calls upon the United States to “reaffirm its commitment” to the TRA.

The resolution expresses U.S. concern over Chinese military modernization and missile buildup directed at Taiwan, and asks President Bush to “seek from leaders of the People’s Republic of China a public renunciation of any use of force, or threat to use force, against Taiwan.”

Other important references in the resolution are the provision that Taiwan’s future must be determined by peaceful means and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan. And Congress’ “grave concerns over China’s deployment of hundreds of missiles in Fukien province directed toward Taiwan.”

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu states: “The reaffirmation of the TRA being the cornerstone of American ties with Taiwan is significant. Indeed, the TRA supersedes the three communiques.”

“President Bush has been most forceful in dealing with Iraq,” Wu continues. “Through this resolution, House Members ask that he put some muscle to work and press China’s leaders to do a dramatic u-turn in its attempt to intimidate Taiwan.”






此外,除了台灣關係法中一貫使用的「任何意圖以非和平方式解決台灣前途」一詞外,此決議案則多加了「未能獲得台灣人民同意」來決定台灣前途的方式,也將為美國所嚴重關切。另外,由於台灣連線共同主席之一的魏克斯勒(Robert Wexler, D-FL)為自由貿易的倡導者,決議案最後也鼓勵美台自由貿易的簽定。




Photo Credit: 台灣總統府(Flickr