CTC Co-Chairs To Chen Shui-Bian – “Unbreakable Bond Between Our Two Peoples”

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 20, 2002
Contact: (202) 547-3686

CTC Co-Chairs To Chen Shui-Bian – “Unbreakable Bond Between Our Two Peoples”

In a  May 17, congratulatory letter to President Chen Shui-bian on the occasion of the second anniversary of his inauguration, Congressional Taiwan Caucus co-chairs, Reps. Robert Wexler (D-FL), Steve Chabot (R-OH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), noted the “unbreakable bond between our two peoples” and pledged “a renewed effort to support Taiwan’s bid to obtain observer status at the World Health Organization, upgrading overall trade relations, the continuation of high-level meetings between American and Taiwanese cabinet members and a concerted effort to reinvigorate cross-strait talks to help preserve peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”

The CTC co-chairs praised Chen’s “commitment to the political and economic success of the people of Taiwan,” called for an “upgrading and expanding of our trade and economic relationship,” and said they “fully support” Chen’s “recent decision to improve cross-strait relations.”

The co-chairs also stated that “although we are working to promote peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, U.S. policy must state, in no uncertain terms, that the future of Taiwan must be resolved peacefully with the express consent of the people of Taiwan and free from outside threats, intimidation, or interference.”

FAPA President Wu Ming-chi states: The purpose of the establishment of the CTC is to enhance the relationship between Taiwan and the US. The CTC has been crucial in working on issues such as WHO membership for Taiwan and hi-level visits. But most importantly, the CTC supports the notion that the  future of Taiwan should have the express consent of the people of Taiwan – an issue that FAPA has been advocating for the past 20 years. Overall, looking at what the Caucus has done just in six weeks, we have high expectations on the role the Caucus will play in US-Taiwan relations.

美國國會台灣連線賀陳水扁總統就職二週年: 強調兩國人民不可分割的情誼,支持台海問題和平解決以及獲得台灣人民同意






Photo Credit: david3108 (Flickr)