CTC to Wolfowitz and Powell: Taiwan Issue Should Be Resolved Peacefully And With The Express Consent of the People

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – June 10, 2002
Contact: (202) 547-3686

CTC to Wolfowitz and Powell: Taiwan Issue Should Be Resolved Peacefully And With The Express Consent of the People

In a 6/7 letter to Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, the co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus thanked Wolfowitz for his recent clarifying remarks regarding U.S. policy toward Taiwan and encouraged him to insure that neither the press nor Chinese officials confuse the subtlety of the US “one China policy” with the absoluteness of the PRC’s “one China principle.”

And: “We hope that you will re-affirm our nation’s iron-clad commitment to Taiwan as agreed to under the Taiwan Relations Act and take steps to ensure that the Taiwan Strait issue be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.”

In an almost identical letter, Caucus co-chairs Reps. Robert Wexler (D-FL), Steve Chabot (R-OH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), urge Secretary of State Colin Powell, who will speak at the Asia Society in New York on Monday evening June 10, to “use Monday’s speech as an opportunity to issue a statement re-affirming our nation’s iron-clad commitment to Taiwan as agreed to under the Taiwan Relations Act and to take appropriate steps to ensure that the Taiwan Strait issue be resolved peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.”

Reason for the co-chairs to write were mid-May statements Wolfowitz had made which were interpreted by some press reports as a move away from the balanced US approach toward Taiwan which has insisted that the island’s status was still undetermined and a step toward acceptance of the People’s Republic of China’s insistence that Taiwan was part of China.

FAPA President Wu Ming-chi states: “We at FAPA strongly agree with the CTC on their views on cross-Strait relations, especially with their view that Taiwan’s future should be determined peacefully and that the people of Taiwan have the right to determine their own future. After all, the right of self-determination is the ultimate cornerstone of a democratic society; it is the ultimate demonstration of the free will of a people.”

CTC 致函沃佛維茲與鮑威爾 “台海問題和平解決,並需獲得台灣人民同意”


台灣連線主席們在信中表示,由於副國防部長沃佛維茲於五月十五日,在布魯克斯研究院與哈佛大學合辦的論壇中,其“美國無意使台灣從中國分離”之言論被解讀為美國對台政策的改變;加上五月二十九日沃佛維茲在外國媒體中心所發表的“美國反對台獨”言論,使得關心台中美關係的人士,認為美國似乎有向中國的一中政策傾斜。因此,沃佛維茲在五月三十一日前往新加坡的旅途中,接受中央社記者訪問內容時,特地澄清他日前的言論並沒有暗指台灣終將歸回中國,同時他並重申美國對台海問題的政策並沒有改變,那就是“美國不支持台灣獨立,美國反對中國使用武力,台海問題必須和平解決。只要是和平解決,美國沒有任何意見。” 台灣連線對於沃佛維茲這樣的澄清言論,表示讚揚,也相信這樣的澄清,將可除去一些不必要的關切。

台灣連線主席接者在信中表示,他們瞭解及支持布希總統欲在台灣海峽求一和平環境的意願,更認為美國的政策應將向美國尋求道德及政治支持的台灣人民其權益考量進去。尤其在台灣是東亞最穩固的民主國家前提下,台灣值得美國不動搖的支持。台灣連線最後則希望沃佛維茲往後能在適當時機,希望鮑威爾國務卿能在十日於亞洲協會(Asia Society)的演講中重申在台灣關係法下,美國對台灣的堅定承諾,那就是台海問題必須和平解決,而且必須獲得台灣人民的同意。

FAPA會長吳明基認為,美國對於台海問題未來的走向,一向是採取不設限的立場,而用字遣詞之細微的重要性,在敏感的台中美關係中特別重要。吳明基表示,在這個政治人物的一言一行都在放大鏡之下觀察,容易被過度解讀的都市,FAPA感謝沃佛維茲副部長適時重申美國對台海問題的政策不變,以解除外界不正確的揣測;誠如沃佛維茲本人所說的,他這幾天也學到了“謹言”的重要性。FAPA更感謝台灣連線的這兩封信函, FAPA強烈認同台灣連線對台海問題的看法,在台海問題和平解決為唯一前提下,台灣人民需有權利決定自己的前途,這種人民自決的表徵,是人民自由意志的最高展現,也是一民主制度賦與其人民最基本的權利,身為代表民意的美國國會,當然是雙手贊成!

Photo Credit: Wally Gobetz (Flickr)