“April 10, 2024, marks the 45th anniversary of the enactment of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). Together with President Ronald Reagan’s 1982 Six Assurances, the TRA is the cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations. If it were not for the TRA, Taiwan would not be the free, sovereign, and independent country that it is today,” says FAPA Executive Director Chiao-Yun Hsiao.

Enacted on April 10, 1979, the TRA (Public Law 96–8, H.R. 2479, 93 Stat. 14) is an Act of the United States Congress, signed by the President. Since its enactment, the Act has defined the official and substantial relations between the U.S. and Taiwan.

This year, on April 10, FAPA is running a full-page ad in the Washington Times newspaper headlined, “The TRA has been the cornerstone of U.S.-Taiwan relations for 45 years, keeping Taiwan sovereign and independent amid China’s growing aggression and threats.”

The ad then juxtaposes how, since the 1979 enactment of the TRA, the U.S. has been crucial in keeping Taiwan free, such as rejecting China’s baseless claims over Taiwan, supporting a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait relations, opposing unilateral changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, helping maintain Taiwan’s diplomatic allies, supporting Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations, and providing Taiwan with weapons for its self-defense.

On the other hand, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) does whatever lies in its capacity to isolate Taiwan internationally, threatens to annex Taiwan, falsely claims Taiwan as its territory, poaches Taiwan’s diplomatic allies, and is preparing its military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027.

The ad then calls upon Congress to take three important actions for the near future: (1) rename the unofficial Taiwan “Embassy” in Washington, D.C., the “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” to “Taiwan Representative Office”; (2) conclude a U.S.-Taiwan bilateral trade agreement; and (3) move toward establishing U.S.-Taiwan diplomatic relations.
FAPA President Su-Mei Kao, Ph.D., adds: “In our ad, we are pointing out how critical the U.S. is for Taiwan and how China’s aggressive bullying flies in the face of the interests of the 24 million people of Taiwan. The choice is clear: If you love Taiwan, you appreciate the United States.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “All 535 House and Senate offices receive a complimentary copy of the Washington Times and so do the State Department, the Pentagon and other government agencies. So, this ad will reach the exact decision makers that we want to reach.”

On April 10, FAPA is also kicking off an “Independence” photo contest. The campaign reads: “With Taiwan being a sovereign and independent country today, it is time for us to celebrate this proud historic achievement and status with a FAPA photo contest.”

“We are looking for your photo with the word ‘Independence’ appearing in it somewhere; a photo that represents and celebrates the status of Taiwan today.”

“Winners will be announced on July 4, on the U.S. Independence Day.”


FAPA執行長蕭喬勻 (Chiao-Yun Hsiao)表示:「2024年4月10日 是《台灣關係法》立法滿45周年的日子。《台灣關係法》,連同雷根總統1982年的《六項保證》,是台美關係的基石。倘若《台灣關係法》不存在,今天的台灣就不可能是一個自由、有主權和獨立的國家。」



FAPA的廣告更呼籲美國國會採取三項重要行動:一、將位於華府的「駐美台北經濟文化代表處」更名為 「台灣代表處」;二、簽署美台雙邊貿易協議;三、向台美建交邁進。

FAPA總會長林素梅(Dr. Su-Mei Kao)補充道:「我們的廣告,指出了美國對台灣的重要性,以及中國侵略性的霸凌行為如何違背了台灣2400萬人的權益。 這是一個再清楚不過的選擇:『如果你愛台灣,你就會感激美國』。」



