FAPA Statement On The Nuclear Four Debate In Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – April 25, 2014
Contact: (202) 547-3686

FAPA Statement On The Nuclear Four Debate In Taiwan

For more than two decades, a heated debate has been raging on and off in Taiwan about the desirability of a Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Kungliao, only 26 miles from Taipei.  Plans were made as early as the 1980s, funds were allocated in the early 1990s, and actual construction was started in 1999.

TaiPower, the state-owned enterprise responsible for construction and operation of the plant did not follow the normal “turnkey” procedure, but managed the construction itself, and contracted General Electric of the United States to build the reactors, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan to supply the turbines and generators, while many local companies received lucrative subcontracts.  This led to major delays and cost-overruns: similar power plants in other countries generally take 4 years to build.  Nuclear Four is now in its 15th year of construction.

However, since the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster in Japan, opposition against the completion of the power plant has significantly increased.  The major reasons are that the Kungliao plant is of similar design as the Fukushima reactors, is also located on a seismic fault line, and is close to the sea, where it would be subject to being struck by a tsunami.  In addition, the fact that the plant is only 26 miles from Taipei means that in case of a disaster, a major metropolitan area of nearly seven million people would have to be evacuated, a sheer impossible task.

During the past years, there have been numerous efforts through the regular political system to stop construction of the plant and to decide that it should not go into operation.  These efforts included introduction of a referendum.  Under normal circumstances such a referendum would easily pass, as opinion polls show that an overwhelming majority opposes Nuclear Four.

However, Taiwan has an archaic referendum law, which stipulates that a referendum only passes if more than 50% of the eligible voters express themselves in favor of such a referendum.  This threshold is unreasonably high and in practical terms impossible to reach. Not a single referendum in the United States would pass if these rules were applied.

What has now added urgency to the discussion is that on Tuesday April 22nd 2014, veteran Taiwan democracy leader Lin Yi-hsiung, who served as DPP party chairman between 1998 and 2000, went on an indefinite hunger strike at his former home, now a Presbyterian Church, where on February 28th 1980 his mother and twin-daughters were knifed to death in what was widely believed to be a political murder.  The case was never resolved.  Lin has vowed to fast to the end if the government does not agree to halting construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant.

FAPA believes

  1. That an immediate moratorium on the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant is called for;
  2. That the Ma Ying-jeou Administration  needs to agree to a fair and equitable referendum at the earliest possible time so the people in Taiwan can decide whether they want the plant to go into operation or not, and
  3. That the existing clause in the Referendum Act, which requires 50% of the eligible voters to express themselves in favor, needs to be dropped immediately.

As concerned Taiwanese-Americans, we care deeply about Taiwan and its future as a free and democratic nation.  We express our strong support for Mr. Lin Yi-hsiung and his goals, and urge the Taiwan government of President Ma Ying-jeou to respond in accordance with the principles of true democracy.




然而,自從2011年3月,日本發生了空前的福島第一核電廠輻射大量外露的事件,對於是否完成核四興建的這個政策,台灣內部的反對聲浪顯著的增加。最主要的原因是,貢寮的核電廠採用類 似於福島核能反應爐的設計,並且核四也將落址於靠近海邊的地震斷層線上。那樣的地理位置,有可能會使得核電廠受到海嘯的破壞。此外,核四距離台北只有41公里的這個事實,意味了一旦有什麼天災發生,在一個擁有將近七百萬人口的大都會,必須要能夠緊急撤離所有居民,根本純粹是個不可能的任務。





  1. 呼籲核四發電廠立即暫停施工
  2. 馬英九政府需要儘快地同意去採取一個公平且公正的公民投票,這樣台灣人民可以決定是否希望發電廠進行作業。
  3. 目前公民投票法的第30條條文,規定「百分之五十以上有選舉投票權的人投票贊成,才可通過」,應當被即刻移除。


Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons